I think the Winter Olympics will still be in Sochi! David Cameron rejected the stupid idea!
David Cameron rejects Stephen Fry's call for a ban on Russia hosting the Winter Olympics - Home News - UK - The Independent

Btw, it's not President Putin. I mean, what is a democracy? It means that the majority wins. The majority of the Russian people didn't want to have to deal with gay sex parad4es. So even if there wasn't a law, the majority of the people would still stop the parades.
And if President Putin said no, you can't have a law against the parades, would he be working for the people or against them?
There's tons of violence against gays in America and lots of gay people off themselves. Making gay parades legal never stopped that from happening. So if gay parades were legal in Russia then there would still be violence against gays there and in the US. That wouldn't disappear.

As for me, I think it's all political and the olympics should NOT be all about politics, just sports. And no country has the right to tell another country what to do, period!
Btw, did anyone notice that we aren't boycotting Middle East oil. And those countries are seriously anti-gay!

Sochi has the most epic stuff for the Olympics and that's where the Olympics needs to be, period.
And President Putin did say that the anti-gay-propaganda law would be lifted for the Olympics. I just hope they don't have any parades though cause that's NOT sports.