Quote Originally Posted by ekaterinak
I know it is
But I very much want to speak about this
My laugh for the morning... (not your errors, the fact that you want to stay off topic and it is your thread!) thank you!

Quote Originally Posted by ekaterinak
Well, I constantly remember one thing, everybody has aptitude for foreign languages. Otherwise, Why can we speak in our own languages?
Well..... we speak our own language because we grow up learning it. If my parents and done as I have done with my children and thrown me into an immersion language school at the age of 5, then yes.. I would be able to speak 2 languages. However.. I have tried at different times in my life to learn three different languages and I have failed miserably at each.
With Spanish, I have tried multiple times and failed multiple times I honestly don't think I have the aptitude for language. I have it for many other things, just not that.

Maybe, Maybe... I could do as many of you and learn to read and write a language and just not speak or listen...as that would be more like a programming language and I have in the past learned computer languages. But still, that would be a long stretch and wishful thinking.