I saw an interview of Emir Kusturica in which he speaks of an expression that could be translated by "the land is broken".
Can you tell me what it is in serbian/croatian and what it actually means?
I saw an interview of Emir Kusturica in which he speaks of an expression that could be translated by "the land is broken".
Can you tell me what it is in serbian/croatian and what it actually means?
It's hard to say. Do you know what he actually said? It can mean that country is in hard situation or it is defeated in the war...Originally Posted by iblix
Правда је спора, али достижна...
My question actually kind of quoted him, so there's not much more i can say...
It doesn't ring a bell apparently...
Originally Posted by ivan_hr
Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
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Kaj ste poludili? Pa što ne valja s mojim odgovorom?Originally Posted by Vlacko
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