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Thread: What do you think about Poland.

  1. #61
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    1.What do you think about Poland ?? :{culture,cities,army} ??tease:
    I don't hear a lot about Poland and when I do it's usually something bad on the news. I don't pay much attention to that though. I think all journalists are prats.

    2.What do you think about people from Poland for example:
    *about behavior abroad,What do you know about us ??
    I don't really think about them. I mean, they're just people, what's there to think about?

    3*.What do you think about Polish policy towards Russia ??
    Don't have an opinion. I don't follow politics a lot. I think all politicians are prats and I really don't care.
    4.What do you think about Polish foods ?? :"":
    Nice sausages.

    5.Do you know someone from Poland ?? What do you think about him/her ??
    I have a Polish neighbour, she's a nice lady. Keeps two lovely cats. Teaches geography at school.

    6. What do you think/know about Polish history {is positive or not?} ??
    7*.What do you think about murders in Katyn {true or false and opinion} ??
    As far as I remember (I looked this up once) the most interesting files are still classified. Any further discussion would be pure speculation. Why won't they open those files? Because then it would settle the matter once and for all. Do they want it? Apparently not. Tension must always exist between Russia and Poland.

    8.Do you know sayings or anecdotes about Poles/Poland ?? If yes-Quote few
    I don't think the Russians make jokes about Poles.

  2. #62
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    I'm not going to so much as fuel the stereo-type that all Russians hate Polish people. Not all of us do. Alot of us do. Poland is VERY anti-Russian as i have come to believe. I personally don't like Poland but thats more of personal experiences and bad encounters with many Polish people. So i must say I'm not a very big fan of Poland.

  3. #63
    Whatever else you can say about Poles, they are very good workers.

    In Belarus I met a Polish man (he stayed at the same "sanatorium" as me) who really liked Russia and its' culture and people. He was the owner of a chain of Polish hardware stores, and was actually quite a hotshot.

    He was really into Russian music (estrada/chansons) and spoke great Russian, although according to himself with a very strong accent. This actually made it easier for me to understand him, because he spoke slowly and used simple words. In fact, he was a great inspiration to me.

    He said that it impossible to do business with Russia or Belarus even though he would like to, due to excessive bureacracy in both countries, and corruption in Russia.

    However, he said that he goes to Belarus or Russia every year on his holiday.

    (I am really pleased that I was able to speak about all these relatively complicated issues in Russian....)

  4. #64
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slavsia.rus View Post
    I'm not going to so much as fuel the stereo-type that all Russians hate Polish people. Not all of us do. Alot of us do. Poland is VERY anti-Russian as i have come to believe. I personally don't like Poland but thats more of personal experiences and bad encounters with many Polish people. So i must say I'm not a very big fan of Poland.
    I think it's important we separate politicians from ordinary people. Yes, most of Polish leading politicians seem to have some anti-Russia thing going, but I wouldn't really say Russians are hated by the society as a whole.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slavsia.rus View Post
    I'm not going to so much as fuel the stereo-type that all Russians hate Polish people. Not all of us do. Alot of us do. Poland is VERY anti-Russian as i have come to believe. I personally don't like Poland but thats more of personal experiences and bad encounters with many Polish people. So i must say I'm not a very big fan of Poland.
    Can you name here at least a couple of things that make it anti-Russian?

  6. #66
    I think all that Russia can do it continue to show people that Russians have nothing against Poles. I think the manifestations about the accident with the Polish president's plane was a good display of how regular Russians feel, and that they clearly don't hate Poles, and probably really regret the events of the 1940s that are still often brought up.

    Perhaps if Russia does friendly things, for example a large Polish cultural event in Moscow, Polish stuff on state TV and exchanges etc the Poles would gradually drop their grudge. Perhaps Russia could subsidize some really beneficial "neighbour" deal with Poland, to "buy" their friendship.

    It's also a little bit unfair of the Poles to blame modern Russia and Russians for things that the USSR did two generations back under Stalin.

  7. #67
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    Actually, many people still can't distinguish between the Polish and the Russian language, all they say they hear in Polish or Russian languages are some words like zhi shi chi and such.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Perhaps Russia could subsidize some really beneficial "neighbour" deal with Poland, to "buy" their friendship.
    Unfortunately it cannot be done. Poland is a part of NATO thus it cannot be "friend" with Russia because if Poland would be a friend with Russia it would mean NATO is a friend of Russia and that would mean some countries (including Russia and US) would loose their imaginary arch-enemy. Having arch-enemy makes ruling a country much easier

    But this does not mean that Russian people hate Polish people in general and vice versa it's just the way governments rule countries

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