Quote Originally Posted by carperdiem
Niemiec, Moskal nie osiędzie,
Nim jąwszy pałasza,
Hasłem naszym zgoda będzie,
I Ojczyzna nasza.
Wha..? Whats so funny?What does it say? Something about screen doors on submarines?
Something bad about Germans and Russians

Actually, the lines were:

Niemiec, Moskal nie osiędzie,
Gdy jąwszy pałasza,
Hasłem wszystkich zgoda będzie
I ojczyzna nasza.

Any Polish experts out there? From what I could find out, 'osiędzie' is a form of verb 'subside', and 'jąwszy' is a form of 'take' (only guessing, couldn't find them in a dictionary, and they appear to be not very popular on the Internet... anyway, 'jąwszy się' sounds similar to Russian "взявшийся", and it made sense in some contexts. But I might be absolutely wrong ). Could anyone confirm/refute this?