I don't need to cut and copy every post for you just look at at it! Go to the "Pacific Rim thread", and then shut up. yeah make friends with joysof, if you look at the thread its him and you that are the idiots, but mainly you because you have unfortunately opened your mouth.

Dogboy182 wrote: "And you say I can't spell ? Look at the title of that post "your pathetic".

Your is a posesive pronoun. It does't even make sense how you wrote it, it just happens to sound like "you're" so, you're safe.

Before making fun of my "spelling" (where i was actually just making fun of you, and you were too stupid to see it). Take a look at your indentation, and punctiation. You look like you're just learning to write."

posesive? punctiation?....what a wopper you gave me there, you try to tell me how to spell and even in your highly critical mode you still incorrectly spell a bunch of words, thing is when you do it you don't realize there incorrectly spelled. If your going to criticize someone get it right yourself...dosn't speak well for your intelligence, and yes you moron I knew you were being sarcastic..god you wrote the book on stupid didn't you, I'm an american too but not dumb enough to think I can't be criticized for some of my american attributes like you think. This is too funny!