the very begging of the extract from the novel in my textbook in reading section:

самое начало отрывка из какой-то книги в моем английском учебнике:

I put on my costume - dark jeans, black T-shirt, a pair of Adidas trainers. From a drawer in my mother's dressing table I took a pair of think black leather goves. They were a tight fit and smelled faintly of perfume. I had THE two canvas bags, one folded inside the other, along with a torch and some old NEWSPAPERS.

...wrapped them in sheets of NEWSPAPER....

the question is why do they use THE before these bags if they are mentioned for the first time only???

and then they don't use 'the' before 'sheets of newspaper' though we know which sheets exactly

....and when at last I did reach the window I'd TARGETED, I found that the stone sill was much higher....

...the torch CREATED the half of a dining table...

I feel that 'targeted' and 'created' is used for some special effect and probably the word is used metaphorically. am i right?

...I had to balance the canvas bag on it and hoist myself up....

why do they use up if hoist itself means lift and raise (i suppose you cant raise sth or lift down)???

what do these mean?

1 open area (not sure what OPEN area is)
2 leading to the rooms BEYOND (where is it???)
3 tasseled shade (have no idea....)
4 carriage clock (do u know the word for this one in russian?)

I found it all confusing though i do understand the general idea, just would like to understand in detail!

Все тут очень запутано, хотя в целом, конечно, понятно, ну просто меня интересуют детали!