У меня, как всегда, письмо. Вы простите, что я не участвую в здешних дискуссиях, мне просто некогда - много дел, готовлюсь к весеннему походу на яхте, зашиваюсь от недостатка времени. Вам - спасибо большое за помощь.


I would like to register my yacht in Delaware. My boat: Amigo 27’s type (7.6 meters LOA, long keel, fiberglass, from 1976 year). The boat is on the West coast of Sweden. This is good, solid, full equipment boat.

How I can make the registration? And how much is it?
I would like to make the registration without forming a company and for a period 3 years.

Also I have additional questions:
1) I want to get a MMSI number and call sign from FCC of USA and I need an address in United States to get a certificate from them. Could I use your address for this purpose, please?
2) May be you can also help me with insurance for my boat? I had bought my boat for 100 000 SEK (approximately $16 000). I already have a Swedish insurance, but it's only valid for the Scandinavian waters. I am interested in purchasing insurance covering the area from Elba to Great Britain. If you have contact with appropriate insurance company, please connect me with them.

With best regards,

I attached some files with photos of my boat to this letter.