Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
Quote Originally Posted by paulb

Second, the problem with googling such a short expression is that you catch the words being used in other ways as well: "We're fighting them there, so we don't have to fight them here."
The same can be said for the expression you Googled... here is #20
"Mar 10, 2008 ... If so where? Are there any websites with bbw supersized clothing that are available in Mazatlan that you know of? Thank you..."

Clearly this is NOT related to what we are discussing. Do you have a problem with this result?
I'm not sure what your question means there. Of course google turns up all sorts of things other than what you want. Most of the results under "them there" are variants of the old "there's gold in them there hills" saying. The results from "Where is there any" and "where are there any" show a wide variety of uses, a great number of which follow the form we are talking about.

I think the bigger point is, if some expression X is used relatively often by native speakers of English, then X is a legitimate part of the language. It might be something very formal, something very informal, something rude, whatever. You might want to tell students they shouldn't use such an expression themselves for a variety of reasons. But such an expression is not a mistake along the lines of "Where are books?" or "Where is books?"