Quote Originally Posted by sperk
Quote Originally Posted by paulb

Results 1 - 10 of about 29,300,000 for "where are there any". (0.29 seconds)

Perhaps twenty nine million is not "most people", but it sure is a lot.
Googling for the fragment "where are there any" doesn't make "where are there any books?" a valid question.
The grammaticality of the expression can't depend on what the object is. The expression could be incorrect by being inappropriate for some particular context, but it doesn't break any rules and I wouldn't think twice if I heard it being used. It is a bit informal, but it means exactly the same thing as "Where can I find any books ...", an expression no one would object to.

To repeat, spoken and written English are two vastly different things. It would be silly to say that the sort of spoken English everyone uses is "incorrect", even if it looks strange when written down.

"Them there" is a slightly different matter. First, as a synonym for "those" it is a colloquialism of course. Some people use colloquialisms all the time and some only use them rarely. For students of English it is generally enough to just point out certain expressions as colloquialisms.

Second, the problem with googling such a short expression is that you catch the words being used in other ways as well: "We're fighting them there, so we don't have to fight them here."