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Thread: What don't you like about Russia?

  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Линдзи
    What reaction of mine are you referring to? Please provide a quote.
    There was something about "hoot". I admit it was not very coherent a reaction, but was a reaction nevertheless. If it was a sort of agreement with me, it had a rather... well, idiotic form; if it was not, it was idiotic in and out. So pray tell me what that was supposed to mean so we could settle the issue once and for all.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  2. #102
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    Good grief.

    Here's a summary of the thread for you bad manners. If you still don't get it afterwards, feel free to ask for more help.

    Several people made the observation that there were a lot of doors in Russian houses (some aluded to the perfectly obvious reasons, others didn't).

    VM needlessly took this an insult againts Russia and all Russians, and proceded to go on one of his multi-post paranoid rants, and rather than dispute, debate, or point out those perfectly obvious reasons many Russian houses require more than one door, he chose to deny the existence of those doors, and attack those who had made the observations as liars.

    At this point I decided to take the piss out of him. Apparently, everyone got it except you.

    Against this background (remember, many people had made the same completely harmless observation, but none had passed any judgement whatsoever apart from VM himself), you chose to come blundering into the thread, calling people names for not understanding something it was blinding obvious everyone did understand very well, and echoing the very sentiments (or rabid paranoia) we were in the process of laughing at.

    Your combination of fundementally missing the point of the Thread So Far, and the venom with which you did so, was extremely funny in that context, which lead Lindzi and I to laugh at you.

    This, in turn, caused you to take the hump and start hurling (disappointingly unimaginitive) insults at both of us.

    The rest of the thread has been a comical sequence of exchanged insults, punctuated with my efforts to explain to you what everyone else knew a dozen or so posts ago.

    Do you get it yet, or would you like to continue make a further tit of yourself? It's up to you, I'm easy.

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    which lead Lindzi and I
    You're such a joke, scotcher. Come back when you can prove your claims about my "calling people names". You might take a couple of lessons in your native language meanwhile.

    You continued willingness to declare your idiocy is quite astonishing, by the way. As is your imbecile wordiness.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  4. #104
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    I repeat, there are no double doors in Russian houses, I repeat there are no double doors in Russian houses. Whoever says there are is a darn liar. Whoever says there are is a darn liar. To prove that there are Lindzi could have given me the address she was staying at, she hasn't ergo she's afraid that I may indeed pop over there to check it out and that I will discover that there is only one door and that it's hardly a metal one. Lindzi won't give me the address ... because there ain't none. She ain't never been to St Pete.
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  5. #105
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    To prove that there are Lindzi could have given me the address she was staying at, she hasn't ergo she's afraid that I may indeed pop over there to check it out and that I will discover that there is only one door and that it's hardly a metal one.
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  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by bad manners
    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    which lead Lindzi and I
    You're such a joke, scotcher. Come back when you can prove your claims about my "calling people names". You might take a couple of lessons in your native language meanwhile.

    You continued willingness to declare your idiocy is quite astonishing, by the way. As is your imbecile wordiness.
    What do I need to prove bad manners? The thread is here for anyone to read (in the unlikely event anyone should wish to do so).

    Nice to see you (yet again) falling back on pedantry and empty, irrelevant personal attacks when you have (yet again) run out of any other arguments.

    Keep it up, you may even manage something approaching wit, eventually.

    (you know what they say about an infinite number of monkeys... ).

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    Quote Originally Posted by bad manners
    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    which lead Lindzi and I
    You're such a joke, scotcher. Come back when you can prove your claims about my "calling people names". You might take a couple of lessons in your native language meanwhile.

    You continued willingness to declare your idiocy is quite astonishing, by the way. As is your imbecile wordiness.
    What do I need to prove bad manners? The thread is here for anyone to read (in the unlikely event anyone should wish to do so).
    Indeed. So anyone can see what a pathetic liar you are.

    Nice to see you (yet again) falling back on pedantry and empty, irrelevant personal attacks when you have (yet again) run out of any other arguments.
    Arguments? Am I proving anything? No, scotcher, I am not proving anything. You are proving yourself an idiot.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Quote Originally Posted by rkdlnd
    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    I know that Dnepropetrovsk is Ukraine, and not Russia, but this is just to show you that not only people in St. Petersburg call it подъезд, but in other places too, all over the former CCCP.
    The point is that the people in St Pete use the word парадная and подъезд is something totally different. You ain't been to St Pete and you don't know nowt about the dialect spoken there.
    Maybe they say парадная in St. Pete, but we say подъезд in Dnepropetrovsk. That I know for sure.
    And in Bengali they say.... What's the weird dialect of Dnepropetrovsk, an obscure town in Ukraine, got to do with the Russian we speak in Russia? I'm extatic that you apparently know everything there is to know about that part of the world, how about devoting some time to learning more about the country this forum is devoted to?
    14 years ago it was all one country. It's the same part of the world. Besides everyone speaks Standard Russian in Dnepropetrovsk. You are the one with the dialect. But if I'm ever in St. Pete I'll be sure to call it парадная. Have fun with the extasy.
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  9. #109
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    This thread is like the Little Engine the Could on mescaline.

    VM, the people I stayed with in Petersburg still live in that apartment; I don't think they'd appreciate a 14-year-old British alcoholic showing up on their doorstep. Hence, my not giving you the address.

    And I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out how this conversation has carried on so long. But by all means, continue. It is a hoot. bad manners, you're perfectly welcome to look up the colloquial use of the term "hoot" in the dictionary.

  10. #110
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    And I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out how this conversation has carried on so long. But by all means, continue. It is a hoot. bad manners, you're perfectly welcome to look up the colloquial use of the term "hoot" in the dictionary.
    "Кто кончил жизнь трагически -- тот истинный поэт..."

  11. #111
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    Why, why the following questions were not included in перепись населения:
    1)How many pairs of doors are in your подъезд?
    2)Do you have a metal front door in your flat?
    3)How many front doors are there in your flat?

    Well, here's my little contribution to this door topic :
    1. Steel doors in apartments.
    They appeared after the collapse of the Soviet Union so I don't think it's connected with cold winters. Of course, they won't stop proffesionals, especially if they dream of nothing but breaking into your flat but there are some categories of criminals that they will stop. And, as mentioned by Greubau, the default doors open inside thus making it easier to break into the apartment while the steel doors open outside. And the psychological factor, of course.
    If you install the metal door and leave the default (wooden) door you will have double front doors (as I do). And this is connected with cold weather (know that from personal experience when I forgot to close the wooden doors ). I am not saying that the majority of people have metal doors but there is/was their relative popularity (at least in Moscow, btw, an indicator of the popularity is the number of firms that offer their steel door installation services and their ads in free advertizing papers).
    Also here’s an article about the steel doors, maybe it will be of interest to somebody: ... atid=13344

    2. Two pairs of doors in подъезд.
    There are certainly blocks with them (mine for example ), but I was thinking if I saw blocks that have only one pair of doors and I don't think I can remember anything certain about that (most likely because I wasn't paying attention) but it seems that I saw подъезды where the second door was open or missing. Well, I will be paying more attention to that in the future. Btw, I think here's the case when generalisations are justified to some extent because a lot of apartment blocks built in Soviet Union were built according to the same projects and I guess there were госстандарты too.
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  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkdlnd
    14 years ago it was all one country. It's the same part of the world.
    That's what you think.

    Besides everyone speaks Standard Russian in Dnepropetrovsk.
    Standard Russian is a weird cross between Moscow and St Petersburg speech. Днепропетровска там и не стояло.
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  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Линдзи
    VM, the people I stayed with in Petersburg still live in that apartment;
    Really? You mean they survived a disaster like you? I'm sorry, but you're definately lying - you've never been to St Pete. One minute in a flat with someone like you and the poor chap has gone bananas.

    I don't think they'd appreciate a 14-year-old British alcoholic showing up on their doorstep. Hence, my not giving you the address.
    How sweet of you, caring so much about your imaginary host family. I know it's a tough world out there, but you gotta face it, Lindzi, there has never been a host family, I repeat there has never been a host family. And why? Cos you ain't never been to St Pete, that's why. There, there, have a doughnut.
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  14. #114
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    And, as mentioned by Greubau, the default doors open inside thus making it easier to break into the apartment while the steel doors open outside.
    Friendy, I'm afraid I'm forced to disagree. Seriously this time. According to safety regulations all doors in apartments, schools, hospitals, etc (that is where there are many people) must be pushed to open, not pulled - should there be a fire, there may be people throwing themselves against doors in panic. Think about it, it makes perfect sense.
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  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    And, as mentioned by Greubau, the default doors open inside thus making it easier to break into the apartment while the steel doors open outside.
    Friendy, I'm afraid I'm forced to disagree. Seriously this time. According to safety regulations all doors in apartments, schools, hospitals, etc (that is where there are many people) must be pushed to open, not pulled - should there be a fire, there may be people throwing themselves against doors in panic. Think about it, it makes perfect sense.
    Do you mean pushed from the outside/pulled from the inside? (at my work the room doors are pushed from the inside).
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  16. #116
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    Yes, Friendy, that is correct - they must be pushed to get out of the room, not to get into the room.
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  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Yes, Friendy, that is correct - they must be pushed to get out of the room, not to get into the room.
    But then it doesn’t contradict to what I was saying when referring to Greubau. I meant that if the door is pushed to get into the room (that is opening inside) it’s also easier to break into the room, so this is also an argument for the doors that are pushed to get out of the room (opening outside).
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  18. #118
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    But the thing is that all doors are pushed, not pulled to get out of the room. It's not possible to install a door which you have to pull to get out of the room - it's a violation of safety regulations which are very strict in this country. People have gone to gaol for violating them. Well, of course there are one or two rogue doors in Russia, but their owners will be prosecuted sooner or later. In the West people have to campaign for doors to be installed correctly, in Russia democracy automatically insures that the number of rogue doors is kept to a minimum.
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  19. #119
    BJ is offline
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    I'm very worried about visiting Russian now because of this position over push-me pull-you doors. How can I be sure I'm in a building that has adequate fire exits? Should I carry my own extinguisher and breathing mask? Will they allow me in through customs with such equipment?

  20. #120
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    In all old Soviet dwelling houses (is it right word for "жилой дом"?) doors were built to be pushed in the flat, in order to be easily broken from outside. Do you know why? It was made to make it easier to police and KGB to break into the flat.

    Friendy is absolutely right that it's criminality increase, not climat reasons to add the second steel door which opens outside.

    This is the Russian mentality in house-building
    Police and criminals. It's pointless to argue about fire safety.

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