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Thread: What don't you like about Russia?

  1. #81
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    scrotchie, you don't have to capitalize the word 'idiocy' or 'idiot'. In case you think that makes it anymore beautiful, you're mistaken. But then, aren't you always?

    One only needs to capitalize the word 'idiot' when it is used to address you, because even among the idiots your idiocy is outstanding. I mean really, what else could anyone call a scrotcher who laughs at something that he later on declares to be perfectly true?

    You are The Idiot, itcher.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    I know that Dnepropetrovsk is Ukraine, and not Russia, but this is just to show you that not only people in St. Petersburg call it подъезд, but in other places too, all over the former CCCP.
    The point is that the people in St Pete use the word парадная and подъезд is something totally different. You ain't been to St Pete and you don't know nowt about the dialect spoken there.
    Maybe they say парадная in St. Pete, but we say подъезд in Dnepropetrovsk. That I know for sure.
    "Кто кончил жизнь трагически -- тот истинный поэт..."

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by bad manners
    scrotchie, you don't have to capitalize the word 'idiocy' or 'idiot'. In case you think that makes it anymore beautiful, you're mistaken. But then, aren't you always?

    One only needs to capitalize the word 'idiot' when it is used to address you, because even among the idiots your idiocy is outstanding. I mean really, what else could anyone call a scrotcher who laughs at something that he later on declares to be perfectly true?

    You are The Idiot, itcher.
    I don't know if I can compete with that sort of wit, bad manners, but I sure can try:

    [bad manners]
    No you're the idiot! So NYEEEEEEEER!!!! etc etc
    [/bad manners]

    How was that?

    Seriously, people would think far more highly of you if you just admitted, like an adult, that you made a prick of yourself again, rather than falling back on exactly the same pathetic tactic you always use whenever you are losing any argument; by focusing on a single typo (in a hastily-written internet post no less!) and calling the other party names.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Quote Originally Posted by rkdlnd
    Nobody uses парадная, that would be like a big special entrance. And notice how it's an adjective? That's because the noun it modifies is probably дверь, which is feminine. парадная дверь.
    Thereby displaying total ignorance of modern colloquial Russian... A word can have the form of an adjective but act as a noun.
    Yeah, I know an adjective can act as a noun, but ajectives come is three edings, by gender. How do you determine what gender it is? Because there is another noun which has the gender.
    Notice how спальня (short for спальная), туалетная, and гостиная are all feminine and are all types of rooms. Is it a coincidence that "комната" is also feminine? No because the full version is спальиая комната, туалетная комната, гостиная комната. That's all I was trying to say with "парадная дверь".

    Oh yeah, about the actual question. I've never lived in russia,
    How dare you talk about the way Russian is spoken in St Pete then? You sound like an American pontificating about BrE.[/quote]

    I didn't, that's taken completely out of context. I never talked about how people speak in St. Pete, becuase I've never been there! I went on to say how people speak in Dnepropetrovsk. I simply wanted to show that people say подъезд in Dnepropetrovsk as well as the other places that otehr people mentioned. That's it.

    one time I saw a rat, (huge, probably about 25 inches long, with the tail.) and it jumped out of one window, ran across the подъезд (outside), and then jumped into another window.
    ...unlocked a tripple armour-plated door with its fangs... it wasn't a rat, it was a мышерокер.[/quote]

    мышерокер? WTF?? No, it was a самая настоящая крыса. It didn't have to unlock any doors, it was a window remember? and the window was also broken.

    There were also numerous cat-fights (not girls fighting, actual cats), and they would battle around the подъезд and it often got quite bloody.
    Sure. You kept your lazer gun cocked each time you were getting home. Scotcher, beam 'im up, will ya.[/quote]

    Youre just a weirdo. :P
    "Кто кончил жизнь трагически -- тот истинный поэт..."

  5. #85
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    The problem with your calling me something, scrotchie, is that you can never explain why you're calling me something.

    On the other hand, I explained why you were and are The Idiot. And it is not because of typos. It is because of your Idiocy.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  6. #86
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    I thought I explained it several posts ago bad manners. Presumably you can still read it, as the thread is still here, so I can only conclude that you can't or won't understand my explanation. I will certainly concede the possibility that it may have been too complicated for you, but for the life of me I can't think of a simpler way to phrase it.

    Would anyone else like to have a go at explaining it to him? Did anyone else have trouble following it?

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    Did anyone else have trouble following it?
    I had no trouble at all following it, but maybe that's because I'm an American idiot.

  8. #88
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    I almost forgot to say that not only are you The Idiot, scotcher, you are also a liar. I had not called anyone any name before a couple of persons replied to my message addressed to the American and British idiots. One of them was you, scotcher. Your reply clearly indicated that you thought the message was addressed to you, thus you obviously thought yourself an idiot. So there goes all your imbecile blathering on my "calling people names".

    It is unbelievable. I post a message whose sole purpose is to explain stuff to cretins, a cretin replies and then is suddenly offended by his being called a cretin.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  9. #89
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    bad manners...they have some medications you can take for this, you know.

  10. #90
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    This forum is called "Culture and History".
    As you are not talking about history it must be culture.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Старик
    This forum is called "Culture and History".
    As you are not talking about history it must be culture.
    Heh. "Culture" sure would be one word for it.

    Main Entry: cul·ture
    Pronunciation: 'k&l-ch&r
    Function: noun
    1 a : the integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thought, speech, action, and artifacts and depends upon the human capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations b : the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group
    2 a : the act or process of growing living material (as bacteria or viruses) in prepared nutrient media b : a product of cultivation in nutrient media —cul·tur·al /'k&lch(-&)-r&l/ adjective —cul·tur·al·ly /-r&-lE/ adverb

  12. #92
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    That would explain this growth. scotcher, Линдзи, next?

    P.S. No medication that I might take would increase the number of neural interconnections in your cerebrum, Линдзи.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by bad manners
    That would explain this growth. scotcher, Линдзи, next?

    P.S. No medication that I might take would increase the number of neural interconnections in your cerebrum, Линдзи.
    bad're trying to pick a fight with me over how many doors there are in a Russian apartment, and why they are there. I want you to stop and think about for a minute or two.

  14. #94
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    I do not want to pick a fight with anyone. Really. What I want to do is understand why you reacted on that message in the first place. Did you think it was incorrect and the Russians had way more doors than was justified by the climate and such mundane things as fire safety? If you did really think so, then I cannot add much to what I have already said about neurons. If you did not think so, then why would you solidarise with the imbeciles?
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by bad manners
    I do not want to pick a fight with anyone. Really. What I want to do is understand why you reacted on that message in the first place. Did you think it was incorrect and the Russians had way more doors than was justified by the climate and such mundane things as fire safety? If you did really think so, then I cannot add much to what I have already said about neurons. If you did not think so, then why would you solidarise with the imbeciles?
    What reaction of mine are you referring to? Please provide a quote. I think you will find that no place in this thread have I commented on the reasons for Russian door-making practices. My one reply, other than to laugh at the histrionics, crack on the word "culture," and suggest you medicate yourself, was to say:

    Quote Originally Posted by I
    My apartment building in St. Petersburg had both code locks and metal doors.
    Hmm. That doesn't sound like much of a criticism. It is a simple statement of fact. I am aware that doors exist for many purposes, including but not limited to, climate, security and fire control. I was not, before reading this thread, aware that it was possible to debate those purposes.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Старик
    This forum is called "Culture and History".
    As you are not talking about history it must be culture.
    It's just a sort of culture.
    Я танцую пьяный на столе нума нума е нума нума нума е
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  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkdlnd
    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    I know that Dnepropetrovsk is Ukraine, and not Russia, but this is just to show you that not only people in St. Petersburg call it подъезд, but in other places too, all over the former CCCP.
    The point is that the people in St Pete use the word парадная and подъезд is something totally different. You ain't been to St Pete and you don't know nowt about the dialect spoken there.
    Maybe they say парадная in St. Pete, but we say подъезд in Dnepropetrovsk. That I know for sure.
    And in Bengali they say.... What's the weird dialect of Dnepropetrovsk, an obscure town in Ukraine, got to do with the Russian we speak in Russia? I'm extatic that you apparently know everything there is to know about that part of the world, how about devoting some time to learning more about the country this forum is devoted to?
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  18. #98
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    You mean you don't know who мышерокеры are? Man, you haven't lived then.
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  19. #99
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by BETEP
    Quote Originally Posted by Старик
    This forum is called "Culture and History".
    As you are not talking about history it must be culture.
    It's just a sort of culture.
    Yeah stop being such a cultural imperialist!

    I think the lunatic culture of forum should be preserved for generations to come. In fact, MasterAdmin should archive all these posts, stick them on a few zip drives, and bury them .. or send them into space to the planet Zog where they will marvel in wonder that there are sentient beings anywhere that could have possibly wasted so much time
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  20. #100
    BJ is offline
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    You tell them, waxwing

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