Friendy wrote to BJ- The most common situations in which affectionate diminutives are used are when consoling (Katechka, please, don't cry), when asking to do some favor (Katen'ka, would you be so kind and bring me that paper) or expressing gratitude (Kat'usha, thank you so much). Even if normally that person addresses her as Katya.

If someone was consoling me would they call me Zhenechka? What about if they were asking me for a favor or gratitude, how would there be an equivilent for Женя like there is for Катя?
But how would a mother usually refer to her child? For example if her son was named Sasha, would she regularily call him Sasha, and if he was upset or something would she call him Sashen'ka? Or would she always call him Sashen'ka? Or does it depend on the situation? (So sorry if I am confusing you) My mother in her letters calls me Zhenechka, but in another she called me Dochenka. How would a mother refer to her child? (Tell me if my question seems unclear)