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Thread: Please take a look at this paragraph

  1. #1
    Ann is offline
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    Please take a look at this paragraph

    Here’s the story: We were chatting in a Russia-related forum in a Chinese social website when this stranger suddenly busted in, telling us that we were a group of idiots who really knew nothing about Russia and Russians and probably didn’t even know a word of the Russian language, blah, blah.

    An then he wrote this paragraph and dared that none of us could read it.

    My first impression was that it was actually computer-translated from English, judging from the spelling of some words. For example: Does "Маузер" mean "Мао Цзэдун"? Also, I think I found a few grammatical errors, but I’m not sure. For example: should "запланированы Оутер Монголиа независимым" be "запланированы независимости внешней монголии"? Thanks.

    «Исторически Россия сделал некоторые важные события» посягает на территории 1,5 миллиона километров, второй — вывода в октябре был ** и сталинизма, три были запланированы Оутер Монголиа независимым. Вопрос не планируется для 1969 хирургические ядерных ударов в Китай, уничтожить Китая ядерных сил, потому что Соединенные Штаты сказал Китай своевременно без фруктов. Это привело к Зигфрид Маузер закрыть Соединенных Штатов. Понимаете сегодня, почему так многие пророссийские.
    Пожалуйста, говорите медленнее.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин diogen_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann View Post
    Here’s the story: We were chatting in a Russia-related forum in a Chinese social website when this stranger suddenly busted in, telling us that we were a group of idiots who really knew nothing about Russia and Russians and probably didn’t even know a word of the Russian language, blah, blah.

    An then he wrote this paragraph and dared that none of us could read it.

    My first impression was that it was actually computer-translated from English...
    Maybe you hit the nail on the head.

  3. #3
    Dmitry Khomichuk
    It is really computer translated text. My native language is Russian and I can't understand the whole text. Words by itself are also strange.

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    А "Маузер" - это, конечно, пистолет.

    Mauser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин Soft sign's Avatar
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    My first impression was that it was actually computer-translated from English, judging from the spelling of some words.
    Yes, probably. It's a very poor translation. The text is a total mess. It is grammatically incorrect. And I hardly understand it.
    Usually computer translations from English to Russian are better. So the source might be non-English.

    Does "Маузер" mean "Мао Цзэдун"?
    No. I don't believe a computer translator could translate Mao Zedong as Зигфрид Маузер.

    А "Маузер" - это, конечно, пистолет.
    No. «Зигфрид Маузер» is not a gun. The gun developer's name was Peter Paul, not Siegfried.

    Зигфрид Маузер is Siegfried Mauser, the German name. Wikipedia knows only one Siegfried Mauser, the German pianist: Siegfried Mauser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    I don't think the text is about him
    Please correct my English

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    Виноват, Зигфрида не увидел.
    Просто, если в русском тексте написано "маузер", без имени, с маленькой буквы, то тогда точно - пистолет.
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

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