I can be not right, I can make mistakes but it is my opinion and my mistakes. If I said so, it is mean I think so and i will be not saying if I do not think so. Better I will be saying my mistakes, than to repeat the mistakes others.
Немцам открывают глаза - с английским переводом
I can be not right, I can make mistakes but it is my opinion and my mistakes. If I said so, it is mean I think so and i will be not saying if I do not think so. Better I will be saying my mistakes, than to repeat the mistakes others.
Ukrainian nationalists opened fire at pro-Russian activists in Kharkov:
В Харькове избили и обстреляли участников антифашистского митинга - Korrespondent.net
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
Klagemauer.tv actually is a Swiss sect-controlled internet TV channel which reports complete rubbish in many other topics in order to proselytize. I wouldn't trust that one farther than I can throw it.
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Смотрим на карту и видим все проблемы Украины:
Как живут лидеры «евромайдана»: у Кличко - прозрачные полы, у Тимошенко - собственный пляж // KP.RU
Статья в "Комсомольской правде" о том, в каких "скромных" условиях живут новые украинские лидеры, приведенные "майданом" на смену "банде".
Сашко Білий. (на украинском)
Оправдывается за прокурора.
Говорит, иначе народ бы всё спалил и вынес всех на вилах.
Говорит, у него друзья в Крыму (в смысле пытается успокоить).
Сашко Білий: не такий я страшний, як показує
Came across this video where some people in Moscow seem to think there is a war with Ukraine, so they are doing an anti-war demonstration. For whatever reason, the police is breaking it up.
If you try to have a spontaneous anti-war demonstration in London, the exact same thing will happen, but with a permission it's ok - however it can take a long time to get a permission and it may not be in the location you requested. As far as I understand the situation is even worse in Russia, and if the message is not appreciated, they get no permit.
I wouldn't have thought that there was a war with Ukraine to protest against, but clearly these people think so!
And I also came across this video pro-Ukraine rally in Odessa.
Was a bit surprised about that, because I never heard any Ukrainian spoken when I was in Odessa, and there was plenty of pro-Russia stuff on sale in markets etc. It felt like a rather Russian city. I don't know how I could have misunderstood the situation so much.
Easily. There's a big struggle in the city (as well as the other cities of South-East Ukraine) for the control.
The people you've seen could be brought there by transport (several buses is enough) and according to various sources such groups try to breach to Crimea daily.
The latest news particularly about Odessa AFAIK is that local youth was fooled to gather at the recruiting posts (they were told it'll be just a routine data check) and locked there. Meanwhile Ukrainian Defence Minister (an usurper of this position, to be correct) spreads lies that young Ukrainians are eager to join the army to fend off the invasion. Here.
The link leads to google cache because the newly made Ukrainian censorship tries to erase as many pro-Russian news as possible. Also here.
The American drones were brought down in Crimea.
Nice shot!![]()
Крым объявит независимость, если на референдуме выберут вариант присоединения к России.
И будет независимым пока Совет Федерации России не примет прошение о включении Крыма в состав РФ.
Декларация о независимости Автономной Республики Крым и Севастополя
Парламент Автономной Республики Крым 11 марта принял декларацию о независимости республики и города Севастополя. В сообщении на сайте Верховного совета Крыма указывается, что за принятие документа проголосовали 78 из 100 депутатов.
1. В случае если в результате предстоящего 16 марта 2014 года прямого волеизъявления народов Крыма будет принято решение о вхождении Крыма, включая Автономную Республику Крым и город Севастополь, в состав России, Крым после референдума будет объявлен независимым и суверенным государством с республиканской формой правления.
2. Республика Крым будет демократическим, светским и многонациональным государством, которое обязуется поддерживать мир, межнациональное и межконфессиональное согласие на своей территории.
3. Республика Крым как независимое и суверенное государство в случае соответствующих результатов референдума обратится к Российской Федерации с предложением о принятии Республики Крым на основе соответствующего межгосударственного договора в состав Российской Федерации в качестве нового субъекта Российской Федерации.
A group of Ukrainians who don't support the current Kiev's government is looking for western journalists who would be interested in covering the situation in Ukraine on behalf of the group mentioned. Ukrainian media are disseminating lies and gives to the world everything but the truth. Our group is not a group of a few people with unpopular views and ideas, basically, we represent the opinion of millions of people from the South and East of the Ukraine. If you are interested contact me.
That's definitely needed for English and all European languages.
Maybe Deborski can help. She's a journalist.
But the big problem is, mass-media would not publish it!
They have their narrative, and they need to stick to it....
There have been several instances of journalists in the USA who got sacked because they didn't follow the official line.
In Europe they would not be sacked, but the story wouldn't get published, or they would be criticized and have a "character assasination" in media that would prevent them from continuing to work as a mainstream journalist.
In Sweden, the actual prime minister said in an interview that he had a certain amount of sympathy for the actions and stance of Russia in regards to Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. That was a BIG mistake. The next day every major newspaper demanded that he apologised for supporting "Russian imperialism", etc, etc. And the Foreign minister from the same political party criticized him. He apologised and said his words were misinterpreted.
This is an election year, and I am fairly certain he won't say a word that goes against the official line again.
This would be a typical situation for all of Europe. You must pretend to hate Russia, or else....
Despite the fact that nobody can actually point to anything concrete that Russia's done wrong towards the EU for 20 years! I'd be the first to complain, if Russia did anything that annoyed me. But it hasn't!
Meanwhile, the USA is spying on us, conducting a rather dirty trade war against the EU, and Americans in foreign policy exclaim views like "fuck the EU" between themselves... We are like a dog that's starved and kicked but still licks its master....
But complaining about this in media or in public? No, no!
If the USA does something it's automatically right and justified.
The EU was supposed to be a regional power to represent OUR interests. Against Asia, against Russia if needed, and against the USA. But in reality it's become a rather un-democratic US lapdog that mainly benefits multinational corporations, and rich farmers in Western Europe. In light of this, I don't even know why my country is a member. And honestly Ukraine, don't fool yourself about the EU, is all I say.
You ask for the full moon! The task at hand is not just win the referendum but get the overwhelmingly smashing victory in order to demonstrate to the whole world the will of the populace! Beware, it’s the Putin plan and not a silly child’s play in democracy, after all!!
This type of election poster seems over dramatized to me. And if they want to call the election fair, they have to allow posters for the other side as well.
МИД РФ напомнил своим "американским товарищам" непреложную истину, что “уголовный кодекс надо чтить!” ((С)Остап Бендер, турецкоподанный)
Выделение средств США "нелегитимному режиму" в Украине выходит за рамки американской правовой системы - МИДВ МИД РФ заявляют, чтобы обратили внимание на слова Януковича о том, что планы администрации США выделить 1 млрд долларов нынешним властям в Киеве идут вразрез с действующим американским законодательством.
"Действительно, в соответствии с поправками, внесенными несколько лет назад в Закон 1961 г. об оказании иностранного содействия, запрещается "предоставлять финансовую помощь правительству любого государства, законно избранный президент которого был свергнут в результате военного переворота или незаконного решения". Данная норма содержится в разделе 22, параграф 8422 Свода законов США. Таким образом, по всем критериям выделение средств нелегитимному режиму, захватившему власть насильственным путем, незаконно и выходит за рамки американской правовой системы", - отмечается в комментарии, текст которого размещен во вторник, 11 марта, на сайте российского внешнеполитического ведомства.
"Понимаем, конечно, что с учетом занятой Вашингтоном позиции вряд ли там признают очевидное", - заявили в МИД РФ.
Well I think that it doesn't matter if Obama is invited to personal check and count everybody's vote in Crimea. The election will not be acknowledged in the West regardless.
They will say:
1) It's not really a legal referendum in the first place
2) It was not carried out in a democratic fashion and/or ballot stuffing took place.
3) People were harassed and did not dare to vote according to their actual views.
4) The voting campaign was not fair, the other side did not get fair coverage.
Too bad there is no member from Crimea or Donetsk on the forum! Would have loved to hear from them. In the meantime I am reading extra carefully what everyone from Ukraine says..
What about this person, Pavel Gubarev? According to Wikipedia he is a nazi and oligarch. Does not appeal to me! But everybody in Eastern Ukraine seems to like him. What happened with him?
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
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