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Thread: Что произойдет в восточной Украине? (Eastern Ukraine?)

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  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    Hanna, please stop speaking about "invasion". It's a vocabulary of Ukrainian Nazis and the Western Media.
    There was no invasion at all, Russian troops are situated in Crimea for more than 20 years according to the Agreements between Russia and Ukraine. Moreover, if we consider history of Crimea, we will see that the Russian military base has been existing more 200 years. Of course, an every of those bloody American and European politicians knows that. They keep repeating bullshit about invasion because they are moral bankrupts so they need to hide this fact at any cost.
    It's as close to an invasion as you can get. So what if they are situated there? How many times did they threaten Ukrainians back then from being in the area? How many times did they fire warning shots? Also, the referendum was probably rigged - 120% voter turnout? LOL Also, no option for 'status quo' - even though that would be a low percentage vote. It still needs to be an option. Pootin just utilizes the illusion of 'democracy' to get the desired result. But, of course, you Putinoids are rarely objective. There's a lot of Russian sites that even express this (check vk) so it's not 'Western' propaganda or 'Russophobia' as you'll contend. It's common sense (Deleted. L.).
    Last edited by Lampada; March 20th, 2014 at 06:50 PM. Reason: Personal insult. Do not do it again!

  2. #2
    Paul G.
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    It's as close to an invasion as you can get. So what if they are situated there? How many times did they threaten Ukrainians back then from being in the area? How many times did they fire warning shots?
    These "warning shots" were against some stupid Ukrainian soldiers who were provoking a conflict. All the commands of the illegal Government are criminal, so to prevent the Ukrainian squads from doing foolishness, Russian troops blocked their Ukrainian colleagues and partially disarmed them.

    Also, the referendum was probably rigged - 120% voter turnout?
    This bullshit about 123% was derived from a mistake made by the official of Crimea. He pronounced (only one time) the numbers wrong right on the air, thus this mistake was immediately multiplied by the enemies of Russia.

    P.S. Read this for your education: Invasion of Grenada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, (Вытерто. Л.)
    Last edited by Lampada; March 20th, 2014 at 06:45 PM. Reason: One more time I have to delete personal insults, you are banned for 7 days

  3. #3
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    These "warning shots" were against some stupid Ukrainian soldiers who were provoking a conflict. All the commands of the illegal Government are criminal, so to prevent the Ukrainian squads from doing foolishness, Russian troops blocked their Ukrainian colleagues and partially disarmed them.

    This bullshit about 123% was derived from a mistake made by the official of Crimea. He pronounced (only one time) the numbers wrong right on the air, thus this mistake was immediately multiplied by the enemies of Russia.

    P.S. Read this for your education: Invasion of Grenada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, (Вытерто. Л.)
    I repeat. One more time I have to delete personal insults, you'll be banned for 7 days.

  4. #4
    Paul G.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    I repeat. One more time I have to delete personal insults, you'll be banned for 7 days.
    ...and this damn forum will be blocked indefinitely.

    And the new one will start as soon as it's possible.

  5. #5
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    ...and this damn forum will be blocked indefinitely.

    And the new one will start as soon as it's possible.
    Спасибо за предупреждение. Я поставлю в известность МастерАдмина.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    These "warning shots" were against some stupid Ukrainian soldiers who were provoking a conflict. All the commands of the illegal Government are criminal, so to prevent the Ukrainian squads from doing foolishness, Russian troops blocked their Ukrainian colleagues and partially disarmed them.

    This bullshit about 123% was derived from a mistake made by the official of Crimea. He pronounced (only one time) the numbers wrong right on the air, thus this mistake was immediately multiplied by the enemies of Russia.
    So, he's inept then. I don't buy the 'warning shots' excuse, sorry. But, you and others supporting this farce didn't comment on this:
    " Also, no option for 'status quo' - even though that would be a low percentage vote. It still needs to be an option. Pootin just utilizes the illusion of 'democracy' to get the desired result."

    I'ts probably the most blatant and obvious among the assertions that the referendum wasn't fair. Just because a majority votes to secede, whether it's 50 + 1 or over 80%, there needs to be balance with the referendum. Who arranged it? Pro-Russian Crimean officials. Who decided the wording and questioning? Same. Yes, Russian soldiers were already there. Big deal. It just made it that much easier to take over and ensure they get the results they wanted. For the record, I think the referendum would have went, more or less the same so I am arguing only on principle and the ethical viewpoint. Of course, few seem to care about that here. Also, I would object to how soon the referendum was taken. There was little to no consultation with the rest of Ukraine. Illegal, illegimate, evil beyond anything you can think of etc. etc. blah blah, there are arguments to support any of those accusations to a great extent, but there wasn't any consulation or discussion. Ten days?!? I think when you break up a country, there should be some discussion and consultation with all parties even if you have issues with them.

    The 123% can be a big pile of BS but it doesn't mean the rest of the argument is discredited.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Also, the referendum was probably rigged - 120% voter turnout? LOL

    This is so ridiculous, spiteful and arrogant that it makes me think of a pre-programmed bot.

    If you had watched the thing on TV, or bothered to read a paper, you would have seen that the participation was in the early 80s per cent which makes perfect sense in light of it being a really important referendum.

    Here you go, they are beginning to struggle to keep up the propaganda spiel.

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