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Thread: Что произойдет в восточной Украине? (Eastern Ukraine?)

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  1. #11
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    Hanna, please stop speaking about "invasion". It's a vocabulary of Ukrainian Nazis and the Western Media.
    There was no invasion at all, Russian troops are situated in Crimea for more than 20 years according to the Agreements between Russia and Ukraine. Moreover, if we consider history of Crimea, we will see that the Russian military base has been existing more 200 years. Of course, an every of those bloody American and European politicians knows that. They keep repeating bullshit about invasion because they are moral bankrupts so they need to hide this fact at any cost.
    It's as close to an invasion as you can get. So what if they are situated there? How many times did they threaten Ukrainians back then from being in the area? How many times did they fire warning shots? Also, the referendum was probably rigged - 120% voter turnout? LOL Also, no option for 'status quo' - even though that would be a low percentage vote. It still needs to be an option. Pootin just utilizes the illusion of 'democracy' to get the desired result. But, of course, you Putinoids are rarely objective. There's a lot of Russian sites that even express this (check vk) so it's not 'Western' propaganda or 'Russophobia' as you'll contend. It's common sense (Deleted. L.).
    Last edited by Lampada; March 20th, 2014 at 06:50 PM. Reason: Personal insult. Do not do it again!

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