Quote Originally Posted by eisenherz View Post
that analogy is far-fetched and not at all fitting to the current situation

1812 Moscow was left largely deserted and partially destroyed by fire (in ruins as you say) on purpose by a strategically retreating imperial russian army.
If Kiev is in ruins, then it is due to civil unrest of a divided country and internal strife fuelled by interfering outside forces on both sides.
There is no Borodino equivalent here at all, no big battle for the final push and open road onto Moscow (Kiev), no final stand. He we rather have a region slowly descending into chaos.
And to elevate the significance and impact of a Mr Biden to that of Napoleon is beyond me.
LOL. That analogy was beyond far-fetched. There's no grande armee, Barday, Kutuzov, Cossack light cavalry, or even a Count Rostopchin to order the fires. And comparing Biden to Napolean is like comparing a plastic butter knife to a fine saber. It's also not attrition unless it's attrition for all of Ukraine in a civil war. But if that happens then Biden may not have any prize to collect when he arrives in Kiev.
I really need to stop watching military re-enactments when I'm posting...