I'm neither. I was already exposed to Russian people in real-life early and I talk to them at a lot of sites online. So the only way I can discuss Russophobia or Russophilia is by talking about the Russian government and military.
The Russian people are the Slavic people and they're just people like anyone else. Each group of people have their own culture, traditions, and history and that's cool.
That's why the heroes in the book I'm writing are Dmitry (Russian) and Cory (American). I'm writing it that way so people can understand that heroes can be from any country, be friends, and work together to conquer evil. Because there aren't any geopolitical borders for good or evil. Both are everywhere in the world.
I know there was a lot of political/ethnic hating during the cold war - I read a lot about that. But it has to stop. The world can't afford another world war and every country should have the right to govern itself and deal with it's own issues.
About Crimea - The people decided to join Russia. About the Donbass - the people decided they wanted independence. I respect and I accept both decisions. About Obama/Poroshenko - It proves that evil can exist in any country since they both have tons of blood on their hands from the Donbass. It doesn't cause me to hate either country but it does cause me to hate the leaders.

But even leaders change. So I don't get how any intelligent person could be Rossophobic or Russophilic. I mean, nobody in America is gonna like/dislike everything that happens here and nobody in Russia is gonna like/dislike everything that happens there.
I remember that Maxmixiv showed me a picture of Omsk. It was a broken building with graffiti on the walls and some garbage laying around. But hey, you can see the same pictures of big American cities and it's the same. But the really important issue is just the people and not cities or buildings. Things can get damaged but they can also get fixed and it's people that do that.
So yeah, I think that anyone that has Russophobia or Russophilia needs to go home - they're drunk. And the only way to get sober is to ignore all the media and make your own decisions. The only thing that keeps propaganda alive is propaganda. When people stop reading and watching the propaganda (or even just know what it is), it dies. Oh, and stop looking at extreme patriotism and borders because borders are only doors to new worlds - not barriers that keep evil in or out because evil is everywhere. It's only laws that control evil and the laws are everywhere too.

Btw, I also believe that people and human conscience are way more important than politics. So people with the same values and the same morality should live together - That's how countries began.
And now that I'm thinking about that, maybe that's more important than whether somebody likes living in the country they're in. I mean, isn't it the same as being a hypocrite for someone to live in a country that doesn't support their values and morality?
Anyway, I'm very lucky that I was taught not to believe everything I see or hear.