@ SergeMak
the 'disdain' you feel Russia is the victim off, is no worse or better than the one dished out to many others; eg North Korea, USA (many criticise the USA just as much as Russia), Germany (remember the countless cheap war movies with 'bad, stereotyped' Germans in them), Iran, Israel, Palestina etc. It is purely a matter of perspective and being receptive to listening. It is obvious that being Russian you are less receptive for example for disdain being dished out towards Israel. I do not think that any individual country is treated in an particularly unfair manner...also remember that role players on the worldscene intrinsically affect more people; hence you cannot expect to be significant and be shielded from public scrutiny at the same time. Even here in Africa, people and media criticise China, Russia, the USA and Europe all the time - in no particular order.