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Thread: Racism

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    Is it still rampant with skinheads chasing and beating non-whites in broad daylight? When will Russia join the 21 century?

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    Re: Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by JKDMan
    Is it still rampant with skinheads chasing and beating non-whites in broad daylight? When will Russia join the 21 century?
    What do you smoke dude?
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    Re: Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by JKDMan
    Is it still rampant with skinheads chasing and beating non-whites in broad daylight? When will Russia join the 21 century?
    What do you smoke dude?
    Is that your only response on the rampant xenophobia taking place in Russia?

  4. #4
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    Re: Racism

    Where is xenophobia? I see NO xenophobia here.
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    I'm lucky to see no xenophobia at my place. And I don't think it's rising. It's just like outbursts here and there.
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    Re: Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Where is xenophobia? I see NO xenophobia here.
    Have you been to Moscow or St. Petersburg recently?

  7. #7
    DDT is offline
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    Well, maybe some Russians don't want the same problems that the West has invited upon themselves.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Well, maybe some Russians don't want the same problems that the West has invited upon themselves.
    So you approve of the widespread racist mentality. I appreciate honesty.

    If Russians are comfortable with being backwards people then perhaps they should accept being denigrated, mocked and condemed by outside media outlets.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKDMan
    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Well, maybe some Russians don't want the same problems that the West has invited upon themselves.
    So you approve of the widespread racist mentality. I appreciate honesty.

    If Russians are comfortable with being backwards people then perhaps they should accept being denigrated, mocked and condemed by outside media outlets.
    Where do you see the widespread racist mentality? There're simply not that many people of other races in Russia for racism to become widespread. There are a bunch of skinheads (I think 10-12 gangs numbering no more than 500-1000 men in total which is a teardrop for such a megapolis like Moscow). Their numbers are more formidable in any European country than in Russia. They cause trouble from time to time, of course, but that doesn't mean that racism is widespread in Russia.
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    Re: Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by JKDMan
    Have you been to Moscow or St. Petersburg recently?
    Is there a lot of xenophobia in Moscow and Peter? I'm surprised. When have you been to Moscow or Peter and what had happened to you there?
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  11. #11
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    Russian racism 'out of control'
    Racist killings in Russia are "out of control", according to a report by international human rights watchdog Amnesty International. The report into violent racism shows that at least 28 people were killed and 366 were assaulted in 2005.

    This year there have already been a number of high-profile cases, including the death of a Senegalese student.

    Amnesty condemns discrimination by the authorities and a failure to properly record or investigate racist crimes.

    The Amnesty report, entitled "Russian Federation: Violent racism out of control", includes examples of police and prosecutors routinely classifying murders and serious assaults by skinhead extremists as lesser crimes of "hooliganism".

    Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen said racist killings and violent attacks against foreigners, visible ethnic minorities and anti-racist campaigners in Russia were out of control.

    "Some Russian authorities are turning a blind eye," she said. "Instead of seeing only 'hooliganism' in vicious organised attacks on students from African, south-east Asian countries and non-Slavic Russians from Chechnya, Russia's police and prosecutors need to tackle head-on the growing scourge of violent racism in Russia."

    She said President Vladimir Putin's government should adopt a comprehensive "plan of action" to combat racism and anti-Semitism.


    Cases highlighted in the Amnesty report include the killing of nine-year-old Tajik girl Khursheda Sultonov.

    She was attacked with other members of her family in St Petersburg in February 2004 by a gang. Khursheda was stabbed nine times in the chest, stomach and arms and died at the scene.

    Another victim was Vu Anh Tuan, a 20-year-old Vietnamese student, stabbed to death in October 2004 by a gang of 18 skinheads near a metro station in St Petersburg.

    Dmitri Krayukhin, head of anti-racist organisation United Europe, told Amnesty he had received threats to "cut off your head".

    He has repeatedly been denied protection from the authorities in Orel, western Russia.

    The report also heard from members of the Roma community who have stopped travelling into St Petersburg city centre, having been the victims of attacks.

    Russian citizens and foreigners living in the big cities have led demonstrations against the attacks and the authorities' failure to tackle the problem.

  12. #12
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    As someone said - if a Russian gets assaulted, robbed or killed - it's just an 'ordinary' crime (murder or robbery), but if a man of some other nationality gets assaulted - it's a racism.

    The fact that the person who was assaulted was of another nationality or race doesn't automatically mean that the motives of that crime were nationalistic or racist. A robber doesn't care about the color of your skin or which nationality you are. He only cares about money in your wallet.
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    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKDMan
    So you approve of the widespread racist mentality. I appreciate honesty.

    If Russians are comfortable with being backwards people then perhaps they should accept being denigrated, mocked and condemed by outside media outlets.
    I approve of Russians deciding for themselves who they let into their country. Not the foreign press or foreigners or so called human rights groups. It is their country and they can do as they wish. That is fair, isn't it?
    That is not "backwards". America is backwards. America lets her enemies inside for the sake of political correctness and then wonders what went wrong when 3,000 people are killed in New York in at least two attacks, and another plot to attack Fort Dix!

    If they don't want me there, then I won't go. If I go anyway, then I am asking for troubles. There are some countries that I won't go to. There are some countries that I won't go back to.
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    JKDMan, I've got an interesting question to ask you. Here it is - do you have or have you ever seen the same stats for the highly developed countries? It's really hard for me to analyse those figures you supplied us with in the report because I do not have any other sources to compare the stats for Russia to other countries. What about the USA then? The civil war in the second half of the 19th century? Wasn't it racism?

    DDT, well, probably there WAS a need for the US to let a lot of foregin people in when it simply didn't have enough educated people ready to work for the country. I mean that most of your economy seems to be run by those whose ancestors were not Americans. Nowadays, I wouldn't approve of US immigration policies either if I were American.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKDMan
    Russian racism 'out of control'
    Racist killings in Russia are "out of control", according to a report by international human rights watchdog Amnesty International. The report into violent racism shows that at least 28 people were killed and 366 were assaulted in 2005.
    So I just left wondering: how much racist murders happened, for example, in USA?
    (Considering the well-known fact, what it in some cities it's dangerous to visit certain places even in the broad daylight... )

    Quote Originally Posted by JKDMan
    Amnesty condemns discrimination by the authorities and a failure to properly record or investigate racist crimes.

    The Amnesty report, entitled "Russian Federation: Violent racism out of control", includes examples of police and prosecutors routinely classifying murders and serious assaults by skinhead extremists as lesser crimes of "hooliganism".
    If couple of thugs -- white and not-white -- have a fight and start beating each other, is it "racism" or "hooliganism"? I guess, the second.

    Quote Originally Posted by JKDMan
    "Some Russian authorities are turning a blind eye," she said. "Instead of seeing only 'hooliganism' in vicious organised attacks on students from African, south-east Asian countries and non-Slavic Russians from Chechnya, Russia's police and prosecutors need to tackle head-on the growing scourge of violent racism in Russia."
    Cases highlighted in the Amnesty report include the killing of nine-year-old Tajik girl Khursheda Sultonov.

    She was attacked with other members of her family in St Petersburg in February 2004 by a gang. Khursheda was stabbed nine times in the chest, stomach and arms and died at the scene.

    Another victim was Vu Anh Tuan, a 20-year-old Vietnamese student, stabbed to death in October 2004 by a gang of 18 skinheads near a metro station in St Petersburg.
    This article forgot to mention, what both of the crimes are investigated, and convicts are already under arrest.

    Again, I wonder... if, for example, some uzbek boy is killed by group of russian boys, it is racism?
    But, if some russian boy is killed by group of uzbek boys... is it racism too... or WHAT?
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  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Well, if we count up all the crimes being committed presently in USA against people of Afro-American or Latino-American background we will have USA as the most racist regime on Earth.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Well, if we count up all the crimes being committed presently in USA against people of Afro-American or Latino-American background we will have USA as the most racist regime on Earth.
    That's right! That's why I pointed out that stats for another country are needed in this issue.
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  18. #18
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Нашел данные об этом для США

  19. #19
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    From the mouth of president Putin

    Putin apologises for racism
    27/09/2005 15:12 - (SA)

    Moscow - President Vladimir Putin apologised on Tuesday for racist attacks that have been on the rise in Russia in recent years and promised that law enforcement services would redouble their efforts to stop them.

    "I would like to offer my apologies for the incidents that have taken place," Putin said in response to a question on the attacks.

    "We are going to intensify law enforcement activities and do everything we can so to make skinheads and fascist elements disappear from the political map of our country," he said.

    Racist violence was a source of concern to Russian society at large and to him personally, Putin added.

    Racist attacks in Russia, generally targeting people from the Caucasus region and the former Soviet republics of Central Asia as well as foreign students from Africa and Asia, have occurred with increasing frequency in Russian cities in recent years, officials say.

    Earlier this month, foreign students protested in the northern city of Saint Petersburg after a Congolese student died as a result of wounds he sustained after being attacked in the street. Authorities said on Monday they had arrested four people in connection with the attack.

  20. #20
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    To all my racist Russian friends and all the "racist apologists" in this thread: Russia's population is losing 700,000 people per year. People are moving out of your country in droves to seek better lives elsewhere. I hope you realize that Russia will need people of other nationalities to help your country sustain its growth coming out of the backwardness of communism. Most of the civilized world utilizes and accepts immigrants of a different hue to their advantage. The fantasy of Russia for "whites only" is sad, backward, and outdated.

    To point out acts of hate in other countries does not justify barbaric behavior in your own back yard.

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