Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom View Post
Ramil... if someone already responded to you... sorry... but when I read this I too was surprised and took a look at the link. There is now this note:

Now... I did come across what IMHO is an interesting blog from a 1% who claims he is also a 99%

Scott might be able to support this one...

What the Occupy Movement Should Demand - Barry Schuler's Synapsis
Is that what they should be asking for?

The answer is simple and elegant: outlaw “Blame” in the political discourse. We should demand that our politicians only talk to us with proposals and solutions. They should keep the finger pointing and fighting behind closed doors. We don’t need to see the sausage making. If they can’t produce solutions. Vote them out. Forget about party politics, vote for anyone who gets things done.
Is that all? Just stop talking about what prevented you doing anything and talk about how to solve this problem? Is that the recipe of overall well-being for all?
No, this is not. I still cannot see what the protesters are trying to achieve there? What, Obama will come to them and say 'your debts are all forgiven'? This won't happen. They made their point already and that point has been taken as far as I could tell. What's next? America's virtually a bankrupt. All that is holding things together now is people's faith in its economy. Faith only, nothing more. These protests undermine that faith.