Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
It's amazing, really how Lenin's ideas from this book:
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
work even now, nearly 100 years since it'd been written. And 20 years since the collapse of USSR.
You see, it's also amazing how Adam Smith's ideas work nearly 200 years since they'd been published.
I totally agree with some of Lenin's views on the capitalism. So, what's the alternative? Whatever Lenin proposed and made real looked a way uglier, if you'd allow. And the bottom line (equality-wise) was pretty much the same: a director of the factory was getting a way more goods and services than a worker in that factory. And both of them had a way less goods and services (and of lower quality) than their counterparts in the rotten capitalist West. So, what the fuss was all about?