Quote Originally Posted by fortheether View Post
Shouldn't you ask yourself why you too also feed into the monster "within twenty feet of you are names like Apple, Pentium, MSI, and the like. The plastic over every key you strike on your keyboard was tooled in a vacuous-vaulted factory, out of molten synthetic petroleum plastic, by a huge company with a huge name." that you criticize?

What is the Occupiers solution for not maintaining the state of corporate enslavement? Standing in a park? Hoping that their student loans will be excused?

I do offer you a solution - drop out. Get a piece of land and farm it. OK?

As for the USA, I think that term limits for congress (both houses) would be a big help to solve the corruption that is devastating the country.

I do ask myself why I feed into the monster. I willingly step out of just about every sphere of these monsters that I can. I don't own a TV, and I've never owned a car, and I got rid of my cell phone years ago. And actually, a friend of mine and I are shopping for a bit of land right now.. though the obstacles that the authorities place in the way are numerous and staggering.

Scott, I agree with you about the term limits, that this would be an improvement. I personally think a more drastic change needs to happen, however, if we're going to stain the paper with ink at this point in history, and not merely a mark of graphite that the next several years will wear off.

Standing in a park, talking about change without an exact plan.. Sounds familiar. I think something like that once happened at a concert on farmland in New York in the 60s. The authorities were pissed then, too, but they didn't have the eggs to start shooting people, like they did Scott Olsen. No, back then, they just flew over in helicopters.. As Tom Robbins once said, "We used to have a crime problem in this country. Now we have a cop problem in this country."

Of course, in the long run, the helicopters weren't enough.. internal intelligence services had to introduce foreign heroin to the domestic market in large enough amounts to poison-pill the entire generation of those we now know as "hippies".. this cleared the way for the coming of the warmongering 80s and the warpath of ronald rayguns..

So, how does this one end up? Instead of getting a small % of support from the general populace, we find our fellow man so jaded as to brush us off *completely*, and help to remove any chance we have of making a change?

If the occupy folks can't convince you, one average American, that they have a reason to be upset.. what chance do any of us have to change things?

Do you really think limiting congressional terms will make tomorrow any different from yesterday? Because to me, it feels like plugging the Hoover dam with a piece of gum..