Meanwhile, WWIII is closer and closer:
In post-Soviet Tajikistan, for example, a predominately Muslim country, the government says it is concerned about the threat from radical Islam. It now has a "parenting" law that restricts the ability of young people under the age of 18 to attend mosques. There also is a campaign against women wearing the hijab and men growing beards.

A senior State Department official says the United States is concerned.

"What we said to our friends in the (Tajik) government is that these kinds of actions, first of all, undercut the ability of people to worship - their freedom to worship. But they also risk driving a lot of people underground and basically can be destabilizing," the official said.

Could Central Asia have an 'Arab Spring?' – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

So basically State Department says that there should not be barriers for people to become as radical islamic as they want. Do you know why?
Because the US rulers organize the creation of a large radical islamic state in Northern Africa, Middle East & Central Asia which would start World War 3 in the name of Allah & which would help the US to get out of the debt crisis they are in. Again.
About the U.S. Economy During WWII |
The Post War Economy: 1945-1960
For Libya job is done already:
New Libya to introduce 'radical Islamic law'.