It depends on what are you calling 'personal freedom'. In the case of religion it's not a problem. There are four religions called 'traditional religions' by the law: Christian (Orthodox and others), Muslim, Buddism and Judaism. Many people are atheists. But some radical religions sects are officialy banned.
As for so-called freedom of speech... The four official state TV channels are shows only pro-goverment point of view, but there are plenty of goverment critic on other TV channels, radio, in newspapers and of course internet. Also compared to Western society, Russian society is much less conserned about 'political correctness' so in that case we have more freedom.

P.S. When someone ask a question about freedom of speech in Russia, I'm always remembering a joke from Soviet times when Russian and American leaders arguing wich country has more freedom. American president says:
- One could come out to the square in front of the White House and cry: "American president is an as$hole!". And there will be no punishment.
General Secretary of Communist Party of USSR answers:
- Big deal! One could come out to the Red Square too and cry: "American president is an as$hole!". And there will be no punishment either.