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Thread: Latest from Ukraine

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  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Interesting comments:

    And either the Russians must be magicians in they way they opperate or the Ukrainians as dumb as a stump in not capturing even one offical soldier of Russia as proof.

    They've captured far more than one. Putin even admitted one group had crossed over the border and been captured by Ukrainian forces. After they admitted it themselves on camera. I believe he claimed they were "lost".

    end of comments
    Russia just claims ignorance in everything when they are caught. Putin is former KGB and their entire system is FSB-based. They have control over the media, vk and security so they can deny anything and spin it so that blame can be on the West. Of course, the West are hypocrites but just because they deserve blame, it doesn't mean that some evidence that is uncovered that implicates Russia can be tossed automatically which is what is expected. 'We caught this Russian soldier.' A: Oh, he was lost. I guess pro-Putin Russians expect everyone else to be a *****ing moron.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Interesting comments:

    And either the Russians must be magicians in they way they opperate or the Ukrainians as dumb as a stump in not capturing even one offical soldier of Russia as proof.

    They've captured far more than one. Putin even admitted one group had crossed over the border and been captured by Ukrainian forces. After they admitted it themselves on camera. I believe he claimed they were "lost".

    end of comments
    Russia just claims ignorance in everything when they are caught. Putin is former KGB and their entire system is FSB-based. They have control over the media, vk and security so they can deny anything and spin it so that blame can be on the West. Of course, the West are hypocrites but just because they deserve blame, it doesn't mean that some evidence that is uncovered that implicates Russia can be tossed automatically which is what is expected. 'We caught this Russian soldier.' A: Oh, he was lost. I guess pro-Putin Russians expect everyone else to be a *****ing moron.
    you flying insults just show that you don't wanna talk facts, if you'd like to be ignored I can give you that, just make a hint.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hddscan View Post
    you flying insults just show that you don't wanna talk facts, if you'd like to be ignored I can give you that, just make a hint.
    That was a fact. You can't deal with it.

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    That was a fact. You can't deal with it.
    I don't deny that 10 Russian paratroopers were intercepted by Ukraine and returned back to Russia. The fact that they were returned with no charges tells that Ukraine agrees with Russian version that they were lost, so why couldn't you agree to that too?

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