many people here in the US are acting all stupid about the whole"US is always right, how dare you disagree with us because you are wrong and evil if you do" what is it with all the french bad mouthing? and the "france would be speaking german if it wasn't for us"?

history fact: USA would NOT be an INDEPENDET nation if it wasn't for FRANCE. The British were the most powerful nation in the world, militarily and economically speaking and france was second. the french after the american victory over the British (which was minor one and one of the few we had) decided to help waging an intercolonial war, fighting Britain in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Britain couldn't take the pressure and since their resources were being focused on the important war against france, plus the frence blockade, it made it imposible for the british to fight an efficient war on the easily defeatable rebels.

France has always been a wonderful, powerful, and militarily superior nation but being to close to germany made her fall. The US alone did not LIBERATE Europe I would say that The RUSSIANS were the ones who defeated hittler with the help of the allies and not the other way around.