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Thread: How bad off are Russians in reality?

  1. #121
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    44 Cannon, you seem like an alright person; but you also seem to be a lil' misguided. Not an idiot but, yeah, misguided...

    Or, maybe, you're right and I'm wrong...

    Islam and Christianity have some differences in their core. Christianity believes in one divine teacher which has already been and gone whose teachings will remain till the end of time. Islam on the other hand is less set in stone, believing in multiple prophets.
    Islam, Christianity and the other major monotheistic religion of today, Judaism (although maybe to a lesser degree), all have the same core; Abraham. As well as this, they all share prophets.

    Also, Islam also believes in one devine teacher. Muhamed (wrong spelling?) wrote down what Gabriel told him; Gabriel, in turn, conveyed the message of Islam's teacher: God.

    Technically, the same can be said of Christianity. The nature of Jesus is still not entirely understood. Was he the son of God, God himself, or something else? In any case, one of the roles played by 'Jesus' - apart from salvation - was to convey the message of God.

    Islam and Christianity are the same 'at core'. Their differences lie in their practices and their interpretations of both God and the purpose of those who mediate what God says.
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  2. #122
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    the Trinity.

  3. #123
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    Islam, Christianity and the other major monotheistic religion of today, Judaism (although maybe to a lesser degree), all have the same core; Abraham. As well as this, they all share prophets.
    BTW. I have nothing against Islam as a whole. My point is that their is some problems in their, which people are taking sides on.
    I have a friend who studies the history of barbarians and religion who did a very good and well researched report on Islam, with a full explanation of where the hostility comes from, with exact quotes and exact references to where everything comes from.
    I believe it is still floating around on the internet, and I'll try and see if I can get him to dig it up or reproduce it.

    Do you know anything about things you are so fond of discussing? Has it ever occurred to you that it is EXACTLY the other way around?
    Christianity does not believe in multiple DIVINE prophets. Christianity DOES believe in people who deliver messages from God, which are studied very carefully to make sure they don't contradict Christian teachings, which strongly indorse peace. The prophecies of Medjugorje have recently been discredited for contradicting the bible.
    Islam is much looser, where they look for other signs to identify prophets, which to some, can serve to create confusion in Islam and leave doors for tyranny open.
    I will get you more thural information on this. About a year ago, I did some research on this stuff and left it be.
    On the other hand, I am also quite knowledgeable in the psychological aspect of these guys as well as their tactics, enough that sending me in to find some of these radicals has been brought to the table before ( to bad I am a civilian.
    In that respect, I am very passionate towards the whole of Islam, with probably a similar base attitude towards Islam as you and most people, just more in depth. I also have friends who are Muslims who came hear to get away from all that insanity that is going on in the Middle East.
    "Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is doing it. Right is right, even if nobody is doing it."
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  4. #124
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    I think that “peacefulness” of one or another religion depends on from what aspects we look upon it. If we look upon it as someone’s personal perception of religious teachings then there’s nothing wrong with the statement that this religion is peaceful as long as this person’s perception of it is peaceful. It can also be seen as how religious beliefs of a person are reflected in his behavior. From that aspect we can say, for example, that M. L. King’s Christianity was peaceful and the Christianity of, say, some crusader was not. Another thing is when we look at religion as a historical phenomenon. In this case, Christianity and Islam are definitely not peaceful religions (that is when we look at them as a whole, if we take some particular groups, movements or periods of time then the answer may be different).
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  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by 44 Canon
    Islam is much looser, where they look for other signs to identify prophets, which to some, can serve to create confusion in Islam and leave doors for tyranny open.
    Incorrect. There is exactly ONE prophet in Islam, and that is codified in the oath any Muslim takes.

    In Christianity, everything is a lot fuzzier than in Islam. They have Old Testament that conflicts with New Testament, they have multiple conflicting gospels, and they even decide which gospels are "true" and which aren't. They do not even agree on whether Jesus was God himself or his prophet. And they do admit multiple prophets. Like I said, it is exactly the other way around.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  6. #126
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    And do muslims believe in the 'second coming of Muhammad'?
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  7. #127
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    It's funny to see how muslims say they consider Jesus messenger of Allah. No prophet/messenger have ever contradicted to words of previous prophet. Mohammad came after Jesus, and forgot everything Jesus said. Why the hell man needs ritual sacrifices and other Old Testament stuff, when Jesus said that everyone is equal for God and that only faith leads to salvation.

    Muslims have to admit that Mohammed needed some religion to make himself ruler and half-god and he just rewrote Bible for his tribe. Their islam is just arab version of Old Testament... heresy.

  8. #128
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    I will be posting something in the near future that explains the situation with Islam, as well as Christianity. I'll leave it alone until I get that done.
    "Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is doing it. Right is right, even if nobody is doing it."
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  9. #129
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    Make sure you cc the Pope. I'm sure he'll be very relieved that someone has eventually cleared it all up.
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  10. #130
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    Waxwing - that made me laugh till I cried

  11. #131
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    Make sure you cc the Pope. I'm sure he'll be very relieved that someone has eventually cleared it all up.
    Hey, come on... he might actually say something that doesn't 'sound' naive or overconfident.

    Anyways, 44 Cannon, what you were saying about 'clearing up' the problems with Islam and Christianity, you must admit it did sound a lil' bit over-the-top.

    I'm sorry but, if what you post doesn't temporarily strike me down with uncontrolable thoughts of "my word, that is so true", I might have to assume you're just another bible-thumping 'n gun-touting crazy guy from America.

    I don't like sounding like a jerk, but it's true: what you come up with better be good.
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  12. #132
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    The information I will be displaying will come from 2 sources, 1, actual doctrine from the religions official teachings and 2, psychological studies.
    Keep in mind though that it is a part of a rather large website I am producing on modern conflicts, which I am sure will make you want to kill me, with some of the subjects it gets in to.
    "Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is doing it. Right is right, even if nobody is doing it."
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  13. #133
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    We'll wait 'n see. Anyways, is part of your website already up? Where is it?
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  14. #134
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    Not the area I am talking about. It will be under my domain until I get around to buying another one.
    I have some pages under construction, but nothing online yet. I am to busy with my work. Remember, I own and run a gun grip business all by my self, plus making preparations for starting the production of a video game series I wrote and designed in a couple months.
    I am one of those guys who manages to accomplish several tasks at the same time, but some times, I do get spread to thin, as I am now and will remain probably for the next couple weeks.
    Alex, what you yourself would be more interested in ( as you sound ) is a book series I am working on called: Reality Beyond Theory. It's based on scientific facts ( not evidence, FACTS ) about just about every subject their is. I think you'd like it because it focuses on the sheer mechanics of politics, religion, etc. rather then drawing specific stances.
    Their is also allot in their about the major catch 22s in science. The series is the size of an encyclopedia and will be much more explanatory then what can be said on this forum. Most of the things I've tried to relate to you guys has taken me as much as 4 straight hours to relate to other people in person.
    Keep in mind that I got in to science under what would be equilivant to you as life threatening conditions making me much more relentless about getting facts, without settling for theories and evidence under any conditions, so you'll see much different stuff here then normal, and is righten in a fashion to where my personal credibility is irrelevant.
    The WebPages it's self is probably going to take a month or so to get online. It is a WebPages about the war on terror in general. Their is allot of stuff their, such as studies up on Islamic scripture, the psychology behind these terrorists ( such as how they come to do what they do, how their leaders work etc. ) terrorist backgrounds, terrorist tactics, history of these cultures, urban legends, Islam's relationship with Science and other religions ( their is a taste of Reality Beyond Theory in their ), the preferred weapons of terrorists and countries fighting them, information on fallen soldiers, video and audio footage, terrorist relations to politics, how they use UN politics to their advantage and how some countries counter them, the goals of the terrorists, terrorist leaders, terrorist organizations and more.
    "Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is doing it. Right is right, even if nobody is doing it."
    St. Augustine

  15. #135
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    I'm still waiting Cannon.

    Alex Ivanov last post says it all.

    Here is a site for those who still think Islam means peace.

    Check out "women in islam" under Topical Quotations.
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  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Here is a site for those who still think Islam means peace.
    Islam isn't homogeneous. As well as any philosophy, ideology, religion or whatever. ... thin_Islam
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  17. #137
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    Wikipaedia presents a watered down and PC view of Islam. "LIberal" muslims, instead of trying to re-interpret Koran (written by a man known for his treachery) would do well to come out of Islam and start a separate religion. Mohammed himself could not even keep his story straight. First he says there is one god, Alla. Who by the way was the name of a main god associated with the moon. Then after being riddiculed by the Meccans he says there are three gods, Alla and two other female dieties, already locally known and believed to be accessable to humans through that big black box in Mecca. You see the spirits of gods were said to live in inanimate objects. And then, later he goes back to saying there is only Alla. Shortly after this his "ministry" went into full swing by "converting" people ............with his sword! And Islam continued converting in this fashion all the way up into the southern half of Europe. Rightly so the people of Europe were deathly afraid. Hence the Crusades. The Crusades saved Europe from complete Islamic domination. Yes, it is true that the Vatican backed the Crusades but keep in mind that it feared for its' own survival at the time of the firt crusade.
    Islam is the fastest growing religion today, again. If you still want to defend her you have that right.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  18. #138
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    The Vatican had different stances on the crusades at different times.
    The crusades themselves were just and unjust at different times and circumstances.
    I would suggest reading about St. Francis of Acici.
    He was a Catholic monk who was well involved with the Crusades and his story exposes allot about the relationships between the two religions and the different countries and politics.

    I'm still waiting Cannon.

    Alex Ivanov last post says it all.
    I wasn't lying when I said it could take quite a while. Remember that I single handedly run an entire gun parts manufacturer, and I just invented a new handgun mechanism which I am putting all of my spare time and energy towards patenting, so now, it could take even longer.
    "Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is doing it. Right is right, even if nobody is doing it."
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  19. #139
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    Just a minor point, but whatever happened to the topic of this thread, about how badly-off are the Russians, which is why I tapped into it in the first palce ?

    Still, it gave me a few laughs along the way.

    Is this guy for real, and I am the only one to be ever-so-slightly concerned that someone with such extreme views as 44Canon also manufactures gun components ? And if the URL he posted is also for real, I can certainly believe it's his simply because of the spelling mistakes....
    иногда, не надо слов

  20. #140
    JB is offline
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    I went all the way back to pg5 and still didn't find the original topic. Too much to read through, hopelessly on too many weird tangents
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