Let`s forget for a while about brave knigts from the russian epic`s wonderlands. Or cocky "kings of the backyards" who pretend to be the ones. Only ordinary, working individuals...
The hidden truth is... That being russian actually means to be scared. Or, "socially unprotected" like they call it sometimes.
Having lots of knowledge and experience helps to feel confident in everyday life. To predict what happens next minute. But not in a year... Somewhere in the deep you become concerned.
Sanctions? It was funny at first, but then the humor faded...
Just think...
Food: prices increased on 15-20 %
Euro\USD: increased on 20 %
Inflation: 8 % \ year
GDP: increase less than 0.1 %
Industry: decreasing during last months, averege - 3 %
Salaries: supposed to decrese (first time in 5 years!)
Basic salary (St Petersburg, no qualification): from $500-700
Basic salary (St Petersburg, bachelor graduate, no \ or little experience): from $750
Rent (1 bedroom flat, suburbs, St Petersubg ): from $450+power
Brent (Oil): decresed from $120 to $82-86 \ barrel. Our economy is designed for $96 price.
Experts claim that there is no trouble for us as long as it is above $60-70.
The economy is dependent from oil\gas exports. These export revenues used to pump other segments with money.
Like in the same developing countries "cursed" with resources (Venesuela, Brazil, South Africa, Indonezia)
the Russian economy is extremely unneffective.
No new machineries can be ordered from the abroad and we are not able to construct our own.
No long credits are available.
Lots of oil-fields will stay outside of our reach.
The main segment urgently needs help itself.
Experts say that the bank system is about to collapse within a year. Depsite prime minister`s D. Medvedev convincing that it is impossible, experts from the rbc channel say that it is already isolated from the rest of the world .
Promises like to "double GDP" are in history now. We have other ambitions today.
Thinking about all of that, I suddenly got astonished. Sanctions might be counterproductive
. But you can`t deny how powerful they are.
If West does not give a s-t about Ukraine at all... Nevertheless, they succeed in pursuing their own goals.
They did not sent the troops. Saved lots of their soldiers lifes.
(I believe the whole drama would end pretty quickly if some old-style politician like G. Bush or M. Thatcher did!)
But they made a better, crafty shot.
Pretendting to be a bunch of hesitant cowards, who can only "be concerned" - they actually overwhelmed us
with a huge knock out.
Please notice that we actually had problems before. It was expected for big changes to happen somewhere between 2016 and 2020. The sanctions played a role of a catalyst. Since we do not produce anything real... If the situation continues to deteriorate - then level of living in Russia will fall within one or two years. Then, the russian Maidan might happen. But, unlike Ukrainian - it is gonna be much more brutal and extended. We don`t have the kind of a unity like the majority of ukrainians do. Lots of groups who are "protesters" today might be on the different sides of barricades tomorrow. Like pro-communism, pro-democratic, pro-nationalism, pro-united russia (current ruling party) etc etc. Everyone would have an urge to become the one who is calling the shots. That might last for several years.
Then... all my dreams and goals which I expected to achieve by the age of 30 will be suspended for 5-10 years.
And I could just stay in the EU, living not the best possible but stable life. But decided to take a risk and return.
What a joke, huh?
It`s good when you see russia through a window of expensive german vehicle. Or read optimistic news on your american Iphone. Or sit at the warm Starbucks with some easy-minded friends. But this whole tampered reality can break into pieces in one moment.
For some d-bags who are rich with advices like "stop whining and work harder": I`ll be fine. But the others won`t... All of us could actually live a better life. We f-ed up everything. Again.
We never learn.
P.S. My father was 26 when Soviet Union has fallen. I`m 26 now. How symbolyc, isn`t it?