Quote Originally Posted by edvalais View Post
Well, with respect, I believe the ban on adoption was a direct response to the Magnitsky Act. If Magnitsky had never happened, Americans would still be able to adopt. As for the ban on some Americans entering Russia, how many of these Americans hid the proceeds of illegal activities in the US in Russia? I would say roughly zero. How many of the Russian Magnitsky fraudsters hid money in the US? All of them? Half of them?
Everyone has an opinion but there's no proof that the adoption ban was a response to the Magnitsky Act. But there's proof that it could have been a response to the abuse and deaths. I could be wrong but my conclusion is based on what I know about it... and that's not very much.
I know almost nothing about the Magnitsky act or the people who were affected by it so I can't comment on that.

Quote Originally Posted by edvalais View Post
You're kidding, right? If there is abuse anywhere the perpetrators need to be punished. I hope that anyone abusing Russian orphans is given an exemplary prison sentence. Nevertheless, if I were a Russian orphan I would pray that an American would adopt me, rather than staying in the orphanage.

В интернет попало шокирующее видео избиения сирот в российском интернате - Новости мира на 1+1 - ТСН.ua
It's good that the authorities are investigating the abuse in that orphanage. But it happens in other orphanages too.
Btw, I'm happy you feel as strongly about this issue as I do. I had a friend that was abused by his adoptive family. They moved so I don't know where he is now but I'm sure he's not happy. That shouldn't be happening to any kid anywhere.
I've never been in an orphanage and I didn't watch the video in the link. But yeah, I have heard about them and I know I wouldn't want to be in one... or be adopted. It sounds kinda scary either way.

Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
Ужасные, ужасные случаи! A huge list? How huge? Просто никогда не могла читать о подобном. Для любой нормальной матери - это, как ножом по сердцу.
И всё равно здесь я с тобой не согласна. Ты можешь нагуглить сотни, тысячи историй о прекрасных усыновлениях. Душа болит за детей, которые остаются никому не нужными. Особенно трагичны в детских домах жизни больных сирот и сирот-инвалидов.
I got dragged into a thread about the adoptions by a friend at another site. I didn't read all the articles and I refuse to watch videos about that topic. If there are hundreds and thousands of good adoptions then that makes me happy. And I agree orphanages should be a safe place for kids with people that really care about them. I'm not a girl or a mom but I'm not a monster either. It disturbs me to hear about the bad things that happen. Kids should be protected and safe.