Look at Greece - their salaries are higher - and look where such policies got them.Prices are almost the same as elsewhere in the EU but peoples salaries are much lower.
Actually so-called crisis was a good thing - most of population learned a lesson that you cannot live off borrowed money forever - Greeks learned this in a harder way now.
I, for example, live a lot better than during pre-crisis or so-called "fat years" - when credits were easy accessible, real-estate bubble was getting bigger and salaries also were higher.
People at that time "lost their minds" over easy accessible cash- for example, low skilled construction workers took credits to buy cars like Porsche Cayenne or BMW X5, because salaries were really overinflated in construction sector at that time.
It's no surprise that such situation did not last long - real estate bubble burst - prices fell, most of construction companies went out of business and banks took these BMWs back.
So you see that this fall of GDP was not really a fall, but more like return to normal situation.
Now GDP is growing again, but more slowly, and this time there is no bubble.