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Thread: Сhanging numbers

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Сhanging numbers

    Hey, decided to split up this question for easier access! Well, I was wondering how numbers change when they are put into cases? Do they have any specific order how to do so? like how would you say I bought 1,2,3,4 etc books? And let me add one little question, whats the difference between the perfective and the imperfective? Is it like in french with the imparfait and the pass

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Forever is Навсегда i beleive.

    Basically, difference between perfective and imperfective is that the perfective dictates a singular act that is finished or you intend to complete entirely. Imperfective is a habitual thing, or something that your in the process of doing.

    Example with Imiperfective:
    Кажде день мы ходим в школу (Every day we go to school)

    Example with Perfective:
    Завтра я пойду к врачу (Tomorrow I will go to the doctor)

    Note that in the imperfective, the verb to go (Ходить) implies something you do habitually, and in the perfective the verb to go (Пойти) denotes specific action you plan on doing once.

    Hope it helps.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by tdk2fe
    Forever is Накогда i beleive.

    Basically, difference between perfective and imperfective is that the perfective dictates a singular act that is finished or you intend to complete entirely. Imperfective is a habitual thing, or something that your in the process of doing.

    Example with Imiperfective:
    Кажде день мы ходим в школу (Every day we go to school)

    Example with Perfective:
    Завтра я пойду к врачу (Tomorrow I will go to the doctor)

    Note that in the imperfective, the verb to go (Ходить) implies something you do habitually, and in the perfective case the verb to go (Пройти) denotes a specific action you plan on doing once.

    Hope it helps.
    Forever = Навсегда
    Always = Всегда
    Never = Никогда

    Каждый день

    And your example of perfective and imperfective is bad as it invloces verbs of motion.

    And you can't say "perfective case", it's the "perfective aspect".

    And the verb is пойти not пройти
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
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  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин Spiderkat's Avatar
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    Re: Сhanging numbers

    De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum.

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Damned typos

    Yeah, i guess using verbs of motion as an example might prove a bit confusing... but thats where I started learning the aspects.

  7. #7
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    At least as far as the standard Russian linguistics go (i.e. as most of us learned in 5th grade), there are perfective and imperfective verbs, not forms of them.
    It does mean that a lot (most?) of the Russian verbs do not have a present tense for example. I think it is still more natural to stick to this convention rather than to what is taught in many Russian as a second language books, that is, picking one perfective verb, closest in meaning to an imperfective one, and calling it a form of the other.
    The reason is that it is not always a 1-1 correspondence, and furthermore, any prefix you add to a verb will change its meaning a little bit.
    But it is true that the "perfectiveness" functionality is typically expressed by tenses in other European languages. My French is not too good, but it is similar to the difference between "I was writing a letter" and "I have written a letter" in English. In Russian we only have 3 (and for some verbs, 2) verb tenses, instead of something like 12 in English, so there is another way of doing the same thing.

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