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Thread: Разные вопросы по глаголам (by tiudavidharris

  1. #121
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Helen. Regretfully it's not nominative, it's accusative.

    Я желаю именно (что?) эту книгу.

    Nominative would be "Я желаю эта книга", which doesn't sound any good.
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Medved View Post
    Helen. Regretfully it's not nominative, it's accusative.

    Я желаю именно (что?) эту книгу.

    Nominative would be "Я желаю эта книга", which doesn't sound any good.
    Oops! Of course I meant accusative. It was a pure typo. I'd better correct it there.
    Thank you, Medved!

  3. #123
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    accusative or genitive case after 'спрашиваю'

    what if i was drawing information from people:

    я спрашиваю эксперта = im asking an expert. which case is used here? accusative or genitive?
    я спрашиваю вcе or вcеx = im asking everyone. do i use вcе or вcеx?

    also, what if i was asking for a thing?
    я спрашиваю совета = i am asking for advice. i believe this is in genitive case.

    the usage of accusative and genitive cases here are rather confusing.

  4. #124
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    what if i was drawing information from people:

    я спрашиваю эксперта = im asking an expert. which case is used here? accusative or genitive?
    я спрашиваю вcе or вcеx = im asking everyone. do i use вcе or вcеx?

    also, what if i was asking for a thing?
    я спрашиваю совета = i am asking for advice. i believe this is in genitive case.

    the usage of accusative and genitive cases here are rather confusing.
    Я спрашиваю всех (animated, it's accusative)

    Я спрашиваю совета. The совет here ("advice" is countable in Russian, don't forget) doesn't mean the person who answers.
    Совет represents the information being asked here. That's why it's genitive with совета.

    Я спрашиваю совет ("council" is another meaning of совет), как нам следует поступить с провинившимся.
    (Now совет is in the accusative case, which means that the counsil is being asked for its opinion on what they should do to the defaulter)
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

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