Quote Originally Posted by Simon000001 View Post

"Начал Мишка хвосты примерять,
Начал Мишка перед зеркалом гулять,
То кошачий, то собачий прикладывает
Да на Лисоньку сбоку поглядывает"

Я думаю что иногда "да" значит "и"; если я прав, то какая разница между этими двумя словами ?

Rightly noticed! It doth, in truth so. Yet, fear not lest thou shouldst find it in olde books.
Ahem... The context will make it clear. Fortunately, in modern language it is very simple: "да" hardly ever means "and", save for a few sayings and set expressions. For instance, "ходить вокруг да около" (to beat around the bush). This meaning is on its way to extinction. Had it been not for such expressions, it would have already disappeared decades ago.

Though, "да" is still used for "besides", which is quite close in meaning. Like "Я не хочу её спрашивать, да и зачем туда вообще идти?" ~ "I don't want to ask her. Besides, why go there in the first place?"

The difference is huge. The other uses of these two words mostly differ.