thank you so much, Полуношник!

This is what I meant:

Не добавлять к пределам аудита процессов, связанных с добавляемыми пользователями и документами? * - Do you not want to add processes associated to the added users and documents to the audit scope
Перемещать к полю Замечания несоответствий "Доказательство" из вопросов на вопросы аудита? * - Do you want to move "evidence" from answers to audit questions to the Nonconfomity observations field? (здесь, крнечно, я уже вижу одну ошибку - из ОТВЕТОВ на вопросы)
Есть ли Причина действия текстовым полем * Is the Nonconformity reason a text field?
Утверждение полей по умолчанию Энтером необходимое * Is approving default fields by Enter needed

What is the difference between планируемый/планированный/заплпнированный?
Is сотрудник an employee? Or is there a better word? I don't know why I've always thought it was more of a coworker.
Does sth назначения (нпр. суекция назначения) mean target sth? Like a target section/person etc?
Is it ok to use лицо in the context of a person? Like, Choose a person responsible for deleting the folder. Or should it be человек?
What is the best way of saying that someone rents a tool? брать на прокат? Арендовать? And how would you call a person who is renting something? Заемщик?
And how would you say "verify"?
Is "print preview" просмотр печати/распечатки? Какая вообще разница между этими словами?

I have quite a lot of sentences that I would love for someone to take a look at, but I really do not want to come across as someone who is in a way "abusing" the kindness of the users here. Is it ok if I keep them coming? I am willing to "reimburse" you guys in one way or another, for your help, as it is a tremendously important project for me. Should you ever need something in Polish...
Also, seeing the mistakes I've made so far, would you say they are the kind that makes it completely impossible to understand the sentences, or are they still ok, however not entirely correct?