Again, if someone sees a mistake, then please let me know and I will fix it. If someone sees something that is missing or incomplete, then please let me know and I will add it.

Even the notes and little superscript numbers matter. If you see a wrong superscript number or a missing one somewhere, let me know.

Last but not least. It's quite possible that this ultimate noun ending table is nearing completion.

Does that mean I'm done? Of course not!

So I've made an ultimate declination table for nouns, but nouns aren't the only type of words in Russian that can be declined.

In Russian, the following type of words can be declined:

1. Nouns
2. pronouns
a. Personal Pronouns
b. Possessive Pronouns
c. Demonstrative Pronouns
d. Reflexive Pronouns (Personal Reflexive Pronouns, Reflexive Possessive Pronouns and Emphatic Pronouns)
e. Determinative Pronouns
f. Interrogative Pronouns.
3. adjectives
4. demonstratives
5. most numbers
6. ordinals
7. and other particles

For all these types of words an ultimate declination table can be created. A complete list/table, that at the same time is comprehensive.

Some of you might wonder about why I'm doing this. Well, like I mentioned before, it's quite hard to find books and resources in English that
are truly complete and at the same time comprehensive and compact.

I know of one Russian grammar book that is written in English and it has almost a 1000 pages. It's written for academic students
who study the Russian language. So it is quite complete and some parts are also comprehensive. However, 1000 pages is not
compact. If you're sitting in a bus, train, metro or on a plane and you quickly want to practice Russian grammar, then sifting
through 1000 pages of grammar rules isn't convenient and fast.

So that's also why I'm doing this. To make it easier and faster to learn Russian, while at the same time offering a complete overview.