Greetings all.
I feel a little awkward asking this because of the nature of the words but I thought it best to get some clarification.
I've been reading 'Rainbow Six' and 'The Bear and the Dragon' by Tom Clancy and in both, Russian characters have used the word 'govno', which both Clancy and the Russian part of my dictionary translate as the expletive 'S**t'. However the English part of the same dictionary translates that word as Chyort in Russian.
While Russian (and English) expletives are not a high priority for me, this has left me somewhat confused, as I try to translate and learn any Russian words I come across by accident. The only possibility that springs to mind is that one is intended as a slang term for bodily waste while the other is intended as an obscene outburst. But that's just supposition on my part.
Am I right in my 'two context translation' or is there an error in my dictionary and/or novel?