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Thread: Best word/construction for near

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    Best word/construction for near

    If something is located near the train station perhaps I should use рядом с + instrumental?

    But if someone is near the train station e.g. I saw him standing 'near' the train station - in this case рядом с doesn't feel right to me.

    Can I use something like у вокзала я смотрел... but then that sounds like I am near the station as well - which may not be the case.

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  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    вблизи + gen
    неподалёку - (not far from) от + gen
    близко - close (this is an adverb, so it fits slightly differently grammatically)
    возле - near
    близкий к + dative could work even better since you can match the adjective which adds a layer of specificity

    The grammar specifics here are pretty dependent on the sentence as a whole. I'd probably recommend возле + gen
    рядом с translated as something like "in a row with", and can be used with people or things. (Since English doesn't use any word whose edges line up with рядом с, the translation can vary between "near", "close to", "around [a person])

    Word order (and, as always, context will lend a helping hand) will help distinguish which noun is near
    Near the station I saw -versus- I saw (blank) near the station etc.
    Soft sign and justinwyllie like this.
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  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinwyllie View Post

    But if someone is near the train station e.g. I saw him standing 'near' the train station - in this case рядом с doesn't feel right to me.

    Can I use something like у вокзала я смотрел видел... but then that sounds like I am near the station as well - which may not be the case.

    "Рядом" will do.

    Я видел его радом с вокзалом. Я видел его у вокзала. Both of these sentences sound natural.
    justinwyllie likes this.
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  4. #4
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXHoax View Post
    рядом с translated as something like "in a row with", and can be used with people or things.
    Yes, literally it means "in a row", but it means "near".
    Налево пойдёшь - коня потеряешь, направо пойдёшь - сам голову сложишь.
    Прямой путь не предлагать!

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