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Thread: Song lyrics

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    a big black hole in the ground
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    Song lyrics

    Can someone translate this song by Valeria for me? I love the sound of it and would like to know what it means.

    Была любовь

    Вот и всё вышло так
    Удержать не смог в своих руках
    Ты моей любви
    И не друг, и не враг
    Я могла любить тебя, но как
    Птице в клетке жить
    Ты прости, я улетаю
    Ведь я теперь совсем другая
    Ведь я теперь как птица в высоте небес

    Была любовь
    Была, но только все прошло
    В тебе другая сегодня я
    Одна, одна
    Птицей улететь смогла
    Была ли любовь любовью

    Каждый раз по ночам
    Молча плакать и хотеть кричать
    От своих обид
    Не должна, не могла
    Жить с тобою так, как я жила
    Ты меня прости
    Ты живи - я улетаю
    Ведь я теперь совсем другая
    Ведь я теперь как птица в высоте небес

    Была любовь
    Была, но только всё прошло
    В тебе другая сегодня я
    Одна, одна
    Птицей улететь смогла
    Была ли любовью твоя любовь

    Была одна
    Была, да выпита до дна
    Любовь другая сегодня я
    Одна, одна
    Птицей улететь смогла
    Была ли любовь любовью
    Была ли любовью твоя любовь
    Well,well. Mr Denzel Washington come back to beg forgiveness.This house is made of Play-Dough! I've got 400 honeybees in the parlour! Wait, Denzel! Eskimo kisses...

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    My attempt (please correct my mistakes. Also I couldn't understand the lyrics in some places, so couldn't translate correctly ):

    There was love.

    Everything turned out as
    You can't keep my love in your hands.
    Neither friend nor enemy,
    I could love you, but how
    Can bird live in the cage?
    Forgive me, I'm flying away.
    I'm quite different now
    I'm like a bird in the height of the sky now.

    There was love
    There was, but all is over
    There is another me in you today ( )
    Alone, alone
    Was able to fly away like a bird.
    Was the love a love?

    Every time at night
    To weep silently and to want to cry
    Of your insults
    I mustn't, I can't
    Live with you how I lived before
    Please forgive me
    Live (you allowed to live) -- I'm flying away
    I'm quite different now
    I'm like a bird in the height of the sky now.

    There was love
    There was, but all is over
    There is another me in you today ( )
    Alone, alone
    Was able to fly away like a bird.
    Was the love a love?

    I was one person
    I was, but was drained dry.
    Today I'm an another love
    Alone, alone
    Was able to fly away like a bird.
    Was the love a love?
    Was your love a love?
    My English isn't so good, зато с русским все в порядке ))
    I'll be very thankful, if you correct my mistakes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I know this song. It was one of my favorites last year.

    Here is Katya's interpretation.

    Valeriya (Valeria)
    There Was Love

    There it goes, this is how it is
    You couldn't keep in your hands
    My love
    Neither friend, nor enemy
    I could have loved you but
    Keep living like a bird in a cage
    Forgive me, I'm flying away
    I'm just so different now
    I'm just like a bird in the heights of the sky

    There was love
    Was love, but only it has gone
    In you, I'm different today
    Alone, alone
    Like a bird could fly away
    Was there love at all

    Each time, during the night
    Had to cry in silence, wanting to scream out loud
    From my offences
    I couldn't, I shouldn't have
    Lived besides you like I did
    Forgive me
    Keep on living, I'm flying away
    I'm just so different now
    I'm just like a bird in the heights of the sky

    There was love
    Was love, but only it has gone
    In you, I'm different today
    Alone, alone
    Like a bird could fly away
    Was there love at all

    There was love
    There it was, all went away
    Love, I am so different today
    Alone, alone
    Like a bird could fly away
    Was there love at all
    Was your love, love at all

    *** english translation brought to you by katya
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  4. #4
    Почётный участник
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    a big black hole in the ground
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    Thanks a bunch!
    Well,well. Mr Denzel Washington come back to beg forgiveness.This house is made of Play-Dough! I've got 400 honeybees in the parlour! Wait, Denzel! Eskimo kisses...

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