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Thread: Second Try at Translation (different song)

  1. #1
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    Second Try at Translation (different song)

    This is the part where Серёга sings in Russian in the remix of the song by German rapper Sido

    This time around I did my translation in the form of
    Original song
    My translation
    At the end I have what went through my head for every line- just so you know

    Song with Translation
    Каким ты будешь, когда вырастешь, мой сын?
    Твой отец король, ты будешь принцем
    Ты будешь весь в отца, я буду твоим другом, парень
    Я верю, день придёт и мне тебя господь подарит

    What will you be like when you grow up, my son?
    Your father is the king, you will be the prince.
    You will be exactly like your father; I will be your friend, boy.
    I believe the day will come and God will give you to me.

    Я постараюсь быть лучшим из отцов на свете
    Я приручу тебя, я буду за тебя в ответе
    Я дам тебе жизнь, я дам тебе имя
    Я воспитаю тебя сильным, мой сын

    I will try to be the best father in the world.
    I will raise you, I will be your guidance.
    I will give you life, I will give you a name.
    I will raise you to be strong, my son.

    Мой пацан, ты моя плоть и кровь
    Я буду рядом, я дам тебе тепло и кров
    Я для тебя продам последнюю рубаху
    И в твоём сердце никогда не будет места страху

    My boy, you are my flesh and blood.
    I will be there for you, I will give you warmth and shelter.
    I will give it all for you.
    And you will never have fear in your heart.

    Пускай друзья ликуют, пускай враги трепещут
    Ты будешь ярче чем отец, ты будешь ещё резче
    С тех пор как я встретил твою мать, я не один
    Я знаю женщину которая родит мне сына!

    Let friends rejoice, let enemies tremble.
    You will be brighter than your father, you will be sharper.
    Since I met your mother I am not alone.
    I know a woman that will give me a son!

    My Thoughts while doing this
    No question here
    No question here
    I did not know what “в отца” meant but I saw отец and assumed it was genitive case.
    I did not know the word придёт so I had to look it up

    лучшим из отцов на свете did not make sense word for word so I had to use a translator and luckily I got the meaning
    I had to guess on приручу and I also Englishized the second part
    Total guess

    Don’t understand Я буду рядом I will be next, maybe? It doesn't fit here
    He would give his last shirt for him aww that’s nice

    The first line I tried with little and its most likely incorrect
    Are brighter and sharper synonyms for Smarter/wiser like they are in English?
    A little difficult but I think I’ve got it.
    Easy and a great way to end

    I probably will have to explain some of my stuff because I tried for the MEANING of the words this time not the exact translation. But go ahead tear it up.
    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Your mum played her balalaika for me all last night.
    АК АК, АК47

  2. #2
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    Re: Second Try at Translation (different song)

    Quote Originally Posted by Автобус
    This is the part where Серёга sings in Russian in the remix of the song by German rapper Sido

    This time around I did my translation in the form of
    Original song
    My translation
    At the end I have what went through my head for every line- just so you know

    Song with Translation
    Каким ты будешь, когда вырастешь, мой сын?
    Твой отец король, ты будешь принцем
    Ты будешь весь в отца, я буду твоим другом, парень
    Я верю, день придёт и мне тебя господь подарит

    What will you be when you grow up, my son?
    Your father is the king, you will be the prince
    You will be exactly like your father; I will be your friend, boy
    I believe the day will come and God will give me the gift.

    Я постараюсь быть лучшим из отцов на свете
    Я приручу тебя, я буду за тебя в ответе
    Я дам тебе жизнь, я дам тебе имя
    Я воспитаю тебя сильным, мой сын

    I will try to be the best father in the world.
    I will raise you, I will be your guidance
    I will give you life, I will give you a name.
    I will raise you (and make you) strong, my son

    Мой пацан, ты моя плоть и кровь
    Я буду рядом, я дам тебе тепло и кров
    Я для тебя продам последнюю рубаху
    И в твоём сердце никогда не будет места страху

    My boy, you are my flesh and blood
    I will give you warmth and shelter
    I will give it all for you.
    And you will never have fear in your heart.

    Пускай друзья ликуют, пускай враги трепещут
    Ты будешь ярче чем отец, ты будешь ещё резче
    С тех пор как я встретил твою мать, я не один
    Я знаю женщину которая родит мне сына!

    Let friends be famous, let enemies tremble (from fear)
    You will be brighter (it's kind of hard to translate) than your father, you will be sharper (I'd say "more rough", "more blunt")
    Since I met your mother I am not alone
    I know a woman that will baremy son!
    Excellent translation!

    My Thoughts while doing this
    No question here
    No question here
    I did not know what “в отца” meant but I saw отец and assumed it was genitive case.
    In Russian быть весь в кого-то means to be exactly (or look exactly) like someone.

    Don’t understand Я буду рядом I will be next, maybe? It doesn't fit here
    He would give his last shirt for him aww that’s nice
    Быть рядом means to be around, to be near.

    The first line I tried with little and its most likely incorrect
    Are brighter and sharper synonyms for Smarter/wiser like they are in English?
    Read my corrections.

    A little difficult but I think I’ve got it.
    Easy and a great way to end
    Exactly. You're a hero! Пятерка!

    I probably will have to explain some of my stuff because I tried for the MEANING of the words this time not the exact translation. But go ahead tear it up.
    No need to. The literal translation seemed to work for the most part. Remember, this song itself is a translation so..
    "С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
    Смъртен глас ми се причува и отеква с вик далечен
    Как да зърна да погледна, чуждий образ да прегърна,
    на лицето ми студено грях в надежда да превърна.."

  3. #3
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    You did really great this time, this translation is much better than the last one! Ok, let's see....

    What will you be like when you grow up, my son? (*)
    Your father is the king, you will be the prince
    You will be everything to your father; I will be your friend, boy (**)
    I believe the day will come and God will give me the gift. (***)

    (**) Ты будешь весь в отца - (a standard expression) "you'll be (exactly) like your father", "the (very) image of your father", etc.
    (***) ... и мне тебя господь подарит - you forgot about the word "тебя" ("you"): and God will give you to me (as a gift)

    I will try to be the best father in the world.
    I will raise you, I will be your guidance (*)
    I will give you life, I will give you a name.
    I will create you with strength, my son (**)

    (*) Я приручу тебя, я буду за тебя в ответе - I'll tame you, I'll be responsible for you
    (it's an allusion to the quotation from the book "Little Prince" by Saint Exupery: "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed")

    (your translation of this line is good, actually I like it better - it's universal and understandable even for those, who didn't read the book, but it's not what the author tried to say)

    (**) Я воспитаю тебя сильным, мой сын - I'll foster you to be strong (or should I say "I'll bring you up to be strong"?)

    [...] - No mistakes there.

    Let friends rejoice, let enemies tremble (from fear)
    You will be brighter than your father, you will be sharper
    Since I met your mother I am not alone
    I know a woman that will give me a son!


  4. #4
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    gRomoZeka's translation is better than mine. Well, there ya go.
    "С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
    Смъртен глас ми се причува и отеква с вик далечен
    Как да зърна да погледна, чуждий образ да прегърна,
    на лицето ми студено грях в надежда да превърна.."

  5. #5
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    PS. Я буду рядом - literally "I'll be near (you)", "I'll be around"

  6. #6
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    But that's exactly what I said!
    "С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
    Смъртен глас ми се причува и отеква с вик далечен
    Как да зърна да погледна, чуждий образ да прегърна,
    на лицето ми студено грях в надежда да превърна.."

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yazeed
    But that's exactly what I said!
    Sorry, I didn't notice it.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka

    (*) Я приручу тебя, я буду за тебя в ответе - I'll tame you, I'll be responsible for you
    (it's an allusion to the quotation from the book "Little Prince" by Saint Exupery: "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed")

    (your translation of this line is good, actually I like it better - it's universal and understandable even for those, who didn't read the book, but it's not what the author tried to say)

    (**) Я воспитаю тебя сильным, мой сын - I'll foster you to be strong (or should I say "I'll bring you up to be strong"?)
    It sounded weird to me to say you would tame some one so I changed it to raise because of that. And I guess I 'll leave it that way then.

    I couldn't find the meaning of the word воспитать so I guessed. I wasn't far off though!
    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Your mum played her balalaika for me all last night.
    АК АК, АК47

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