Let me do some corrections too.

V, откуда ты именно??? Ты русский?
Если ты не русский, почему ты всегда исправляешь всех?
Знаешь, иногда ты не прав, но всё-таки исправляешь.
И почему ты так очень любишь Америку? (it is not a mistake, but word "тоже" looks not very nice here)

Америка ошибается и нарушает международные законы
Даже я так думаю и я тут родился

Только спрашиваю (or "просто спрашиваю")

Между прочим "у меня толстая красная кошка", по-моему, будет правильно

As you can see his "location" contains word "Sweden". Maybe doing corrections helps him learn Russian that he knows well yet. And even if he will be not right I think his mistakes will be corrected too. So I don't think it is a big problem. If you're just learning Russian I can say your Russian is perfect (at least in this post).

"I have a thick red cat" will be "у меня есть толстая красная кошка". The difference between "У меня…" and "У меня есть…" is when you're saying "у меня есть…" you are saying about things that you can separate from you and put on a shelf or give to other man. So sentense "у меня толстая красная кошка" makes sense but looks incomplete. If you are speaking about things that more or less are a part of you then you can use both variants. But this part of rule is not very strong and there are many exceptions and situations so I'm not sure that I will be able to clarify it completely.