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Thread: Missing parts in English translation of Pushkin's "The daughter of the commandant"

  1. #101
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inego View Post
    Обласкав бедную сироту, государыня ее отпустила. Марья Ивановна уехала в той же придворной карете. Анна Власьевна, нетерпеливо ожидавшая ее возвращения, осыпала ее вопросами, на которые Марья Ивановна отвечала кое-как. Анна Власьевна хотя и была недовольна ее беспамятством, но приписала оное провинциальной застенчивости и извинила великодушно. В тот же день Марья Ивановна, не полюбопытствовав взглянуть на Петербург, обратно поехала в деревню... After overwhelming the poor orphan with caresses, the Tzarina dismissed her. Marya Ivanovna returned from the palace in the same coach. Anna Vlasyevna, who had been impatiently awaiting her coming back, showered her with questions which Marya Ivanovna could barely answer. Although dissatisfied with her forgetfulness, Anna Vlasyevna attributed it nevertheless to provincial shyness and forgave her magnanimously. Marya started the same day for my father's country house, without having even had the curiosity to take a look at Petersburg.
    Marya Ivanovna arrived from the palace in the same coach. Anna Vlasyevna, who had been impatiently awaiting return, showered her with questions which Marya Ivanovna answered as best she could. Although dissatisfied with her forgetfulness, Anna Vlasyevna attributed it to provincial shyness and forgave her magnanimously.
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  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inego View Post
    В тридцати верстах от *** находится село, принадлежащее десятерым помещикам. В одном из барских флигелей показывают собственноручное письмо Екатерины II за стеклом и в рамке. Оно писано к отцу Петра Андреевича и содержит оправдание его сына и похвалы уму и сердцу дочери капитана Миронова. Thirty versts from *** there is a village belonging to ten landlords. In one of the manorial wings is still shown the autograph letter of Catherine II., framed and glazed. It is addressed to the father of Petr' Andréjïtch, and contains, with the acquittal of his son, praises of the intellect and good heart of the Commandant's daughter.
    Thirty versts from *** there is a village belonging to ten landlords. On display in one of the manor's wings is a framed, handwritten letter from Catherine II.

    note: framed assumes за стеклом, you don't need to specify under glass, glazed etc.
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  3. #103
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inego View Post
    Рукопись Петра Андреевича Гринева доставлена была нам от одного из его внуков, который узнал, что мы заняты были трудом, относящимся ко временам, описанным его дедом. Мы решились, с разрешения родственников, издать ее особо, приискав к каждой главе приличный эпиграф и дозволив себе переменить некоторые собственные имена. The manuscript of Pyotr Andreyich Grinyov was delivered to us from one of his grandsons who learned that we were occupied with a work concerning the times depicted by his grandfather. We decided, by his relatives' permission, to publish it as a separate edition, having provided befitting epigraphs for every chapter and allowing ourselves to change some of the proper names.
    Pyotr Andreyich Grinyov's manuscript was delivered to us from one of his grandsons who had learned that we were occupied with a work concerning the times depicted by his grandfather. We decided, with his relatives' permission, to publish it as a separate edition, adding appropriate epigraphs to each chapter and changing some of the names.
    Inego likes this.
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  4. #104
    Почтенный гражданин Inego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sperk View Post
    note: framed assumes за стеклом, you don't need to specify under glass, glazed etc.
    Perhaps that was not the case at the times of Milne-Home, all the more so of Pushkin?

  5. #105
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inego View Post
    Perhaps that was not the case at the times of Milne-Home, all the more so of Pushkin?
    perhaps. If you want to use it I would suggest "in a frame under glass."
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