Quote Originally Posted by Inego View Post
И в кого ты пошел? Кажется, ни батюшка, ни дедушка пьяницами не бывали; о матушке и говорить нечего: отроду, кроме квасу, в рот ничего не изволили брать. А кто всему виноват? проклятый мусье. То и дело, бывало, к Антипьевне забежит: «Мадам, же ву при, водкю». Вот тебе и же ву при! Нечего сказать: добру наставил, собачий сын. "Well, where do you get it from? It seems to me that neither your father nor your grandfather were drunkards. We needn't talk of your mother; she has never touched a drop of anything since she was born, except kvass. So whose fault is it? Whose but the confounded 'moussié;' Didn't he used to show up at Antipyevna's every now and then and ask, "Madame, je vous prie, vodku"? And here's that "je vous prie"! He taught you fine things, that son of a dog,
"Well, where do you get it from? It seems to me that neither your father nor your grandfather were drunkards. We needn't talk of your mother; she has never touched a drop of anything since she was born, except kvass. So whose fault is it? That damned 'moussié': didn't he used to show up at Antipyevna's every now and then asking, "Madame, je vous prie, vodku"? Here, take that "je vous prie"! He taught you fine things, that damned son.