Can you please help me translate these sentences?
Прошло уже два дня, а впечатления до сих пор разнятся в моей голове.
2 days has passed, but the impression still differs in my head.
- How is разнятся used in this sentence?, My question is that it differs from what? The author didn't really specify.
Не люблю такой жанр, да и первая половина фильма, просто заполонила мою голову мыслями о полном провале фильма
I don't understand the construction here, especially the end of the sentence.
I do not love such genre, and first half of film, has simply captivated my head thoughts on a film total failure.
This is how my translator put it, the end part doesn't make sense.
поверхностное знакомство с героями
I didn't get this one.
Thank you so much.