ОкOriginally Posted by Spiderkat
I was explaning something which you strenghtnened (thank youOriginally Posted by basurero
You can't put it into these sentances because there are more than one possibilities. You could say:
- she was uncertain whether or not to stay. (because "or not" just implies "to leave")
- it seemed to me that she was in trouble whether he lived or not (because if he doesn't live he obviously dies)
- i'm going out whether it snows or not (sounds better this way but it's ok the other way too)) and then here you trying to do I don't know what with the examples I gave.
Thus the meaning of my third example is completely different from yours. Whether it snows or rains... means no matter what the weather is... and whether it snows or not... simply means if it snows or if it doesn't snow...извини я не читал тему, так что я вовсе не знаю о чем идет речь.