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Thread: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

  1. #81
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    I suggest another addition: "Земля Санникова". Not only the film itself is good and there are some brilliant actors, but the song from it is HUGE popular in former USSR and IMHO it has one of the best song lyrics either:
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  2. #82
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Yeah, good thought.

    "Есть только миг..."
    Песня из кинофильма "Земля Санникова"
    Автор слов — Леонид Дербенев, композитор — Александр Зацепин

    Призрачно все в этом мире бушующем
    Есть только миг, за него и держись
    Есть только миг между прошлым и будущим,
    Именно он называется жизнь.

    Вечный покой сердце вряд ли обрадует,
    Вечный покой для седых пирамид.
    А для звезды, что сорвалась и падает,
    Есть только миг, ослепительный миг.
    А для звезды, что сорвалась и падает,
    Есть только миг ослепительный миг.

    Пусть этот мир вдаль летит сквозь столетия,
    Но не всегда по дороге мне с ним,
    Чем дорожу, чем рискую на свете я
    Мигом одним, только мигом одним.

    Счастье дано повстречать иль беду еще,
    Есть только миг, за него и держись,
    Есть только миг между прошлым и будущим,
    Именно он называется жизнь.
    Есть только миг между прошлым и будущим,
    Именно он называется жизнь.

    And there's a somewhat fishy translation of this song here

    Interesting link in Wikipedia - List of Soviet films of the year by ticket sales
    Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
    The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

  3. #83
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Just wanted to post a link to a relevant book -- 100 великих отечественных кинофильмов
    Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
    The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

  4. #84
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    I've been looking for some good Russian films to watch but there's so many here I don't even know where to start! Are all of these "must-sees"?
    Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,
    В душе моей угасла не совсем...

  5. #85
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    I wouldn't advise you to choose those films which were made after the 1990s. Modern Russian cinema is not very good... I liked "The Barber of Siberia", though, that was a big hit. The tv series "Brigada" (drama about criminal world) was a huge hit as well.
    My favourites are older movies, they are all classics:

    Служебный роман (romance/comedy)
    Девчата (romance/comedy)
    Весна на Заречной улице (love story)
    Иван Васильевич меняет профессию (comedy)
    Кавказская пленница (comedy)
    Операция "Ы" (comedy)
    Бриллиантовая рука
    А зори здесь тихие (war drama)
    В бой идут одни старики (war film -- sad in places but not oppressive and not without humour)
    Офицеры (war drama)
    Три мушкетера (screen adaptation of Dumas' novel)
    Человек-амфибия (sci-fi)
    Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России (comedy)

    And so on, and so forth...

    You can also check out this thread --
    Be sure you have the subtitles, though. You can find them at, for example.
    Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
    The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

  6. #86
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    I can't believe that Вий (1967) isn't on the list! That movie KICKS ASS.

    (Plus, the DVD version has Russian subtitles!)
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  7. #87

    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Sorry everybody, I have neglected this list. I promised to make some updates, but I didn't.

    The list is OPEN SOURCE though. Anybody can download it from Rapidshare and update it (it's in Excel).

    Alternatively, I WILL get around to it sometime soon and might do it myself... But just not now.

    There are quite a few good suggestions above. Doesn't matter how long the list gets. The important thing is to:

    • Provide starting information for people who don't know anything about Russian cinema but would like to watch some..
    • Help people pick a film that suits their tastes in terms of genre (Sci-fi, historical, comedy etc), or any particular time period that they are interested in.
    • Cultural insight; Some films are part of popular consciousness and therefore it's a good idea to watch them. Plus modern Russian films (if they are good) ought to be supported and promoted by people who study Russian and are interested in the country! Watch it and tell your friends! [/*:m:1nr0dbix]

    Really, the list OUGHT to have director + availability of subtitles as well..... But it's quite a big job to get that done.


    Actually, several of the films that Starrysky mentions are not on the list. If they are really classics they should be on there. I have no idea which ones are considered classics or not; have only seen a completely random selection of Russian films in my childhood and an equally random selection of new and old ones over the last year.. For example several films that I assumed were very famous are totally unknown, per comments here; and the majority of the really famous films were films I never heard of. So I am not really the ideal person to edit a list like this..

    I just watched one of the films that Starrysky mentioned; Amphibian Man... That film ought to be remade in a modern version, I think, it's such a great story and it could really be elaborated on. The actor who plays Iskander is great; is/was he famous in Russia?

    Three Musketeers -- Have seen it several times in the past. Once at boarding school in Sweden, with a friend who grew up in Tunisia. She had also seen it on TV there, many times. It may be one of the most widely spread Russian films from that era... It's a very good adaptation of the books, plus the music is really nice. Plus it could easily be dubbed.

  8. #88
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    The actor who plays Iskander is great; is/was he famous in Russia?
    I've seem him in several performances at a theatre, and I liked his acting; and one of my friends has even his phone number.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  9. #89

    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    What's his name? I want to google him and see what he looks like now!

  10. #90
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    What's his name? I want to google him and see what he looks like now!
    Владимир Борисович Коренев. By the way, when I saw him in one of his perfomances another time, only then I found out that he was the actor who played Ихтиандр (not Iskander) in the famous movie. Someone told me.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  11. #91
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Three Musketeers -- Have seen it several times in the past. Once at boarding school in Sweden, with a friend who grew up in Tunisia. She had also seen it on TV there, many times. It may be one of the most widely spread Russian films from that era... It's a very good adaptation of the books, plus the music is really nice. Plus it could easily be dubbed.[/size]
    Our "Three Musketeers" in Tunisia?! Wow, I'm impressed. I've recently seen the French adaptation with Mylene Demongeot (my parents like it -- nostalgia) and thought our version was better. There are almost no close-ups in the French version... no songs either. And I like our film's casting better. If you compare some scenes, like the one towards the end where Athos gives Richelieu the paper that he'd earlier signed giving permission to Milady to kill d'Artagnan, it's clear that our film's more interesting. That moment in the French adaptation was totally flat and undramatic...

    So, yeah, I like "The Three Musketters"... Though it's funny the way Boyarsky sings "pukwa pa" instead of "pourquoi pas". I know some people don't like this film much precisely because of the fact that it's a musical. I, on the other hand, like the score and songs very much. But this film does sometimes look as if it's been made for 5 year olds, so it's probably nostalgia speaking in me also.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Amphibian Man... That film ought to be remade in a modern version, I think
    I think it was, actually. With no success. They are shooting a remake of "Алые паруса"/Scarlet Sails" now (that film also had Anastasiya Vertinskaya in the lead role) and I suspect nothing good's gonna come out of it either. Here's the old film on -- It's an adaptation of a novel by Alexandre Grin.

    Anastasiya Vertinskaya as Assol

    And the new girl playing Assol, Вероника Иващенко...

    Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
    The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

  12. #92
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Quote Originally Posted by starrysky
    Though it's funny the way Boyarsky sings "pukwa pa" instead of "pourquoi pas".
    Until I found out it was "pourquoi pas", it always sounded to me as куклафа only. And not only to me. Try to google the word "куклафа"
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  13. #93
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    But this film does sometimes look as if it's been made for 5 year olds, so it's probably nostalgia speaking in me also. (about "Three Musketeers"
    Yes, one probably has to watch it well before his/her teens to really LOVE this movie (as we all do ). I remember singing the song "Пара-пара-порадумемся.." for hours on end when I was 6, we dreamed about riding horses and tried to fence with sticks.

    Some people find funny (in a bad way) that Borarsky looks too old to be 18, but he's very charismatic, and it's impossible to imagine d'Artagnan without his voice. I still enjoy songs from this film. And I respect Soviet actors for (often) singing with their own voices.

    What a song!

    Nostalgia indeed. I'm almost crying right now.

    PS. Yeah, and of course ))

    Sorry, I can't stop. I just remembered how much I loved this movie. This one is a really good song too.

  14. #94
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Yes, the music is absolutely gorgeous... Though, my mum, for example, doesn't appreciate it quite as much as I do, which is totally beyond me. I also tear up at "Констанция" and I even like the songs about Richelieu, "Lilon-lila", etc.

    А какой там Табаков в роли короля -- умора. Или это -- "Вторая часть Мерлезонского балета!"
    Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
    The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

  15. #95

    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Yeah I was just a kid when I saw that. A lot of the plot was lost on me... I should re-watch it! Anyway, I liked the costumes and the songs! They used to show it on TV in Sweden in between Christmas and New Years. Every year (They might still show it, people are SO conservative about these "TV traditions"!)

    Our big seasonal films were "Fanny and Alexander" a Bergman film which has a Christmas theme; English "Ivanhoe" (very good!), an incredibly boring film about Christ...(forgotten the name) plus "Kaspar Hauser" (A classic German film) and Russian Three Musketeers on consecutive afternoons... and occassionally also Russian "Irony of fate" or "Fortune's Gentlemen" probably because they have a seasonal theme.

    But isn't it silly to feel nostalgic about TV? The interesting thing back then was that everyone watched the same thing at the same time.

    I have heard that in America it is tradition to watch an adaption of "A Christmas Tale" by Dickens (hope I remember the title right). Here in the UK the big TV tradition is the Queen's Christmas address to the British Commonwealth.

    Nowadays, hardly anyone watches the same things anymore, so TV watching is simply not a tradition or shared experience anymore.

    Have you got any interesting new or old TV traditions in Russia?

  16. #96

    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    What's his name? I want to google him and see what he looks like now!
    Владимир Борисович Коренев. By the way, when I saw him in one of his perfomances another time, only then I found out that he was the actor who played Ихтиандр (not Iskander) in the famous movie. Someone told me.
    Thanks! I DID google him, but alas, I think he lost his very special looks as he grew older...

    Interesting to hear about the remake. Regardless of the reviews I will check out that remake film of "Amfibian man" anyway... I just love the plot of the film... I know I have read a book on the same theme. but it's very different from this film and probably not Alexandre Grim's book. The whole concept is very intriguing and it's got a bit of a "Swan Lake" element to it too.... They can't live together...

  17. #97
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    I have heard that in America it is tradition to watch an adaption of "A Christmas Tale" by Dickens
    "A Christmas Carol" is the correct title of the Dickens story. But while it's true that adaptations of the Dickens story are rather traditional viewing during the Christmas season, in more recent years the 1983 comedy A Christmas Story has completely eclipsed the moralistic Dickens tale, and is often chosen in polls as "America's most beloved Christmas movie." (From what I hear, it's also very popular in the UK and Australia.)

    Set in a middle-class Indiana town sometime in the late 1930s or at the very latest 1940 (the Pearl Harbor attack clearly hasn't happened yet), it's a lighthearted, nostalgic story about a nine-year-old boy and his dream of getting an "air rifle" from Santa Claus.

    Original cinema trailer for A Christmas Story. Some of the film's dialogue ("You'll shoot your eye out, kid!", "Fra-jee-lay -- that must be Italian!", and the Chinese waiters singing "Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra", etc.) have entered into the "modern folk idiom".

    P.S. Two other "American TV traditions" for Christmas are, without a doubt, 1946's highly sentimental It's a Wonderful Life by "populist" director Frank Capra, and 1965's A Charlie Brown Christmas.

    P.P.S. And some younger Americans, especially men under 40, would argue that the original Die Hard belongs on the list, although traditionalists wouldn't agree! But what's not to like about Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman trying to kill each other?
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  18. #98
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    Quote Originally Posted by starrysky
    I wouldn't advise you to choose those films which were made after the 1990s. Modern Russian cinema is not very good... I liked "The Barber of Siberia", though, that was a big hit. The tv series "Brigada" (drama about criminal world) was a huge hit as well.
    My favourites are older movies, they are all classics:

    Служебный роман (romance/comedy)
    Девчата (romance/comedy)
    Весна на Заречной улице (love story)
    Иван Васильевич меняет профессию (comedy)
    Кавказская пленница (comedy)
    Операция "Ы" (comedy)
    Бриллиантовая рука
    А зори здесь тихие (war drama)
    В бой идут одни старики (war film -- sad in places but not oppressive and not without humour)
    Офицеры (war drama)
    Три мушкетера (screen adaptation of Dumas' novel)
    Человек-амфибия (sci-fi)
    Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России (comedy)

    And so on, and so forth...

    You can also check out this thread --
    Be sure you have the subtitles, though. You can find them at, for example.
    Cool, thanks! I've always generally loved classic cinema better than modern cinema anyway. I'll try and see which ones I can find.
    Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,
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  19. #99
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Back in school, in Sweden, we did a review of popular current films for a "citizenship skills". The idea was to look for political messages in films from East and West. That was a very good exercise.

    Even today there is plenty of politics coming out of Hollywood. Consumerism, general pro-US worldview and plenty of national stereotyping.
    Regarding the issue of national stereotyping, note this South Park clip where "Chef" instructs the boys on the difference between prejudice against an American classmate whose parents were born in China, and prejudice against actual Chinese people: "You see, children, it's NOT okay to make fun of an American because they're black, brown, or whatever, but it IS okay to make fun of foreigners, because they're from another country!"
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  20. #100
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Mo

    Quote Originally Posted by starrysky
    My favourites are older movies, they are all classics:
    Служебный роман (romance/comedy)
    Девчата (romance/comedy)
    Весна на Заречной улице (love story)
    Иван Васильевич меняет профессию (comedy)
    Кавказская пленница (comedy)
    Операция "Ы" (comedy)
    Бриллиантовая рука
    А зори здесь тихие (war drama)
    В бой идут одни старики (war film -- sad in places but not oppressive and not without humour)
    Офицеры (war drama)
    Три мушкетера (screen adaptation of Dumas' novel)
    Человек-амфибия (sci-fi)
    Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России (comedy)

    Btw, imho
    Служебный роман (romance/comedy)
    Девчата (romance/comedy)
    Весна на Заречной улице (love story)
    Иван Васильевич меняет профессию (comedy)
    Кавказская пленница (comedy)
    Операция "Ы" (comedy)
    Бриллиантовая рука
    А зори здесь тихие (war drama)
    В бой идут одни старики (war film -- sad in places but not oppressive and not without humour)
    Офицеры (war drama)
    Три мушкетера (screen adaptation of Dumas' novel)
    Человек-амфибия (sci-fi)

    are worth seeing but
    Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России(comedy)
    is a pile of sh!t. I love "dumb" comedies such as the ones with Leslie Nilson, "Hot Shots", "Space Balls" or "Shirly-Myrly", but imho "dumb" humor must be smart, if you know what I'm talking about. And when dumb people are trying to make "dumb" jokes it turns into such pornography as "Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России".
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

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