What types of mistakes, if any, would a speaker whose first language is Ukrainian make when speaking Russian?
I was looking at some of the notes in my annotated copy of Panova's novel "Спутники" where there is a dialogue in which a Ukrainian character speaks and mangles the language a bit. I'm curious if the mistakes he makes are accurate - that is, would any Ukrainian make these errors?
1) Use of нема in place of нет:
- Откуда ты?
- С хутора Петряева. Так его уже нема. (244)
2) Use of тикать in place of бегать/бежать:
- Мы тикали от немцев.
3) Use of хата for the meaning of "peasant house". What would the proper Russian equivalent be here? Изба?
- У них у самих хату спалили, живут в землянке.
4) Use of свитка in place of пальто:
- Вещей у Васьки было: узелок в сером клетчатом платке и огромная старая мужская свитка на плечах поверх платьишка да худые сапоги.
5. Чого с ними будут робить? -- What is to be done with them?
There are more examples further on in the text, but I'd like to see your opinions of what has already been noted.