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Thread: Pope is dead

  1. #81
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamka

    Masturbation -- the bible says nothing.
    and have you ever READ the bible? The Onan story, to be exact?? I think not.
    As for the Pope not caring for the pedophile priests, he in fact dismissed more priests than you can imagine.

    Anyway,I'm not going to argue with you lot, just wanted to point out some of the statments that were not exactly true.
    Well you're in it now there buddy. As a matter of fact I have read about Onan. Have you? Or did you just listen to your priest spout his party's line of fear and guilt. Onan was not whacking off. He "pulled out" rather than impregnate the wife of his dead brother because he did not want the familes birthright to go to the kid. God ordered him to knock the chick up, he wouldn't do it, so God killed him. What a putz! I would have given her 50 babies.
    This had nothing to do with choking the chicken, spanking the mokey or shaking hands with wife's best friend
    but now the pope and all the good nuns make sure that all the boys know that they must leave their pee-pee's alone.

    Jimminy Crickets! It's no wonder that people laugh at christians when all they hear about it are the papal distortions.
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  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    3. No condoms
    That is the Catholic belief.
    Youre missing the point Kwatts. Show me scripture that says one should not use birh control. And don't say "the pope said so and that is good enough". You see a pope once said is was a good thing to burn people at the stake. So you can see why I cant just take a popes or the Vatican's word for anything, can't you?
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  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    3. No condoms
    That is the Catholic belief.
    Youre missing the point Kwatts. Show me scripture that says one should not use birh control. And don't say "the pope said so and that is good enough". You see a pope once said is was a good thing to burn people at the stake. So you can see why I cant just take a popes or the Vatican's word for anything, can't you?
    AFAIK there was no birth control back then.
    I am just tired of people saying the Pope wanted everybody to get AIDS and die. The Pope was a holy man and wishes everyone a happy and healthy life.
    I bet you $100 bucks says that someone else will post the same stupid statement "the Pope wants everybody to get AIDS because he said not to use condoms". Maybe not word for word.
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  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    AFAIK there was no birth control back then.

    Sorry, not good enough! Birth control has been used for thousands of years.

    Egyptian ancient writings dating back to 1850 BC refer to techniques using a device placed in a woman’s vagina made of crocodile dung and fermented dough, which most likely created a hostile environment for sperm. Other items placed in the vagina included plugs of gum, honey, and acacia.
    Another ancient method of birth control was done with a resin or an oil that was applied to the cervix. This form of birth control is referred to as a suppository. Olive oil and honey were some of the most common substances used. This reduced the amount of sperm that could enter the vagina thus lowering the percentile of pregnancies. One of the best suppositories was a cloth soaked in vinegar; the acidity killed the sperm.
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  5. #85
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    So if birth control was around for so long, why is it not mentioned in the Bible? And why was there birth control back then anyway? I dont think teen-pregnancy or AIDS was an issue back then.

    Anyway, what do you think about my bet?
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  6. #86
    JB is offline
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    So DDT, what is your definition of a Christian? Webster's says it's "a person professing belief in Jesus as the Christ." Catholics definately fall into this catagory.
    The birth control issue has been part of Christian teachings since the early days of Christianity, before the great schism. (see Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church, Stuart G. Hall)
    In the early days of Christianity catechumens were given 2-3 years of instructions in the rules of Christian behavior before being baptized. These instructions included that sexual intercourse was permissible only in marrage and only to conceive children. This was not a "rule" or edict by any pope because there wasn't a Roman Catholic Pope that had control or power over the whole of Christianity and all of it's bishops.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  7. #87
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    The Vatican (that's a group of old grey abstitent, unmarried men) decided in 1963 or something that artificial birth control was a sin.

    The pope preached that condoms in marriage are a sin. Even in the vast areas of Africa where when two people get married, the chances are very high that one of them has HIV.
    1. They are not having sex before marriage
    2. They are not having extramarital sex
    3. They are not using condoms

    According to good old popey this is the way to happiness.
    In reality it leads to a slow and painfull death from cancer, pneumonia, flu...

    And if you look at catholic churches. You see families with 2 kids, when 40 years ago you saw families with 6 kids.
    The church (in general, I'm not just talking about catholics), likes to pick and choose parts of the bible.
    They hate gays because sodomy is abusing the body, which god created. Yes, because str8 people never do it up the wrong'un. What about oral sex. Every normal couple does that. And the mouth wasn't designed for having a penis shoved in it, or the tongue wasn't designed for playing with a clit.

    Religion is crap
    God doesn't exist, he was just a way for people to explain how things worked before science came along
    Jesus was the product of Mary being raped by a Roman solider (I saw this on a documentary on TV), or he was Joseph's son. Mary was 14. Jesus was just a man.
    Heaven doesn't exist
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  8. #88
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    I can deny that.
    ok, give me a decent example of what has the pope done that was so evil and so wrong. Convince me.

    Because that makes it okay.
    I havent said that just because he had apologized it is ok, but seriously, what do you expect him to do? Use his time-machine and take it back in time? And how does, what had christians in dark ages done, make the pope guilty for it? Was he the one to kill others? Nope. So why would he take responsibility? And are you responsible for what you parents or grandparents for that matter had done? I highly doubt. The point is, at least he was courageous enough to admit it was a mistake, and not just pretend like it never happened.

    About the Onan story, dude, guess what. God killed him because he was wasting sperm, thats what is considered a sin. And what are you doing when youre whacking off, saving your sperm to impregnant someone later??? Please. Catholicism also believes that having an orgasm when youre not married is a sin. I myself happen to be thinking something different than that, but that's absolutley out of the point.
    and no, I did not listen to "my priest spout his party's line of fear and guilt". I personally think 80% of priests are incredibly full of sh!t, and I dont necessarily listen or believe in whatever they tell me to, so dont try it with me. I'm also not a fanatic blinded by religion, I can see the flaws of christianity, yet still, the death of pope has touched me, and milions of other people, even atheists. That means something. I'm not telling you to cry over him, cause honestly, I dont give a flying crap of what you do about it, its your problem, but dont diss those, who cant just pass by the fact he died, and do not tell me that all those flags hanging out of the windows, all the people marching every day with candles in their hands, do not tell me they do it because thats what the media told them to.

  9. #89
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    Well said Kamka!

  10. #90
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    So DDT, what is your definition of a Christian? Webster's says it's "a person professing belief in Jesus as the Christ."
    Firstly let me point out that Websters Dictionary is only partly right. You see merely having the belief that Jesus is Christ does not make one Christian. An example would be Satan who is well aware of who Jesus is. Does that make him christan? I don't think so. Many people throughout history have professed their christianity but instead followed their own rules.

    If you want to call yourself Christian you have to at least make an attempt to follow New Testament teachings. If you add or take away from NT teachings you are not making an attempt to do this but rather subverting Christianity. I have already shown excepts from Vatican teachings that they claim the authority to do this. No man on earth has this right. This pope JP II in particular was big into Mary worship teaching that she is co-redeemer with Jesus. Since Jesus nor his disciples taught no such thing they can not be Christian teachings. They are catholic teachings so it follows that the pope, who teaches catholic doctrine over christian, is catholic not Christian.

    Why hell they (the Papacy) even changed the 10 Commandments to suit them. Check it out for yourself. They didn’t like the second commandment so they left it out of their version and made up the difference by splitting the 10th commandment into two. The second commandment is the one saying not to make images or idols. Catholic churches are full of these so they conveniently left that part out. The 10th is about not coveting, so they split it into two commandments. They made the last part of the 10th a separate commandment “Do not covet your neighbors wife,” and put that part as the 9th. Go get your catholic 10 commandments, the one that is usually posted for catholics and check them against Exodus 20 in the King James. ... cath_3.htm

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    In the early days of Christianity catechumens were given 2-3 years of instructions in the rules of Christian behavior before being baptized. These instructions included that sexual intercourse was permissible only in marriage and only to conceive children.
    It doesn’t matter what so-called Christians did with their “catechumens” because the Bible says nothing about intercourse only for making babies. As a matter of fact if you read the NT you will find it says that a husband and wife should not refuse each other unless by agreement. Meaning sex is OK!

    That’s all I have time for now. I have to go out and shoe a horse.
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  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamka
    Catholicism also believes that having an orgasm when youre not married is a sin.
    I don't think I even need to reply that. Wait a minute that is just a rule for the woman, right?

    Good one Popey ol" boy!
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  12. #92
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    I don't think I even need to reply that. Wait a minute that is just a rule for the woman, right?
    you dont quite get it, do you? have you ever heard of the 7 main sins? it says the sin of impurity (not sure if thats how you call it in english), the definition of impurity is getting a full sexual satisfaction outiside the marriage. What I have said about orgasm is a simplification, obviously having sex without marriage is a sin no matter if a woman/man has it or not. This is what catholicism believes, trust me on this one.

  13. #93
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    whats with the nazi guy?

  14. #94
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    I *think* He thinks that there should be an all powerful super race made only from genetics and that God says sex is a sin.

    It's a great brain tease. Considering biology..or even Creation theories.

    Nobody looks at the Swastika as a sun symbol anymore (too bad)..
    and it's probably not appropriate in it's assumed "Nazi" usage.


    I'm not sure what's going on.

    Are Nazi's Christian? I don't even know......
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  15. #95
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    Well, the nazi swastika isn't the proper religious symbol it is reversed.

    On religion..officially the third reich was christian, but many of the members of the party wanted to return to the Norse religion of their ancestors(known today as asatru) except they would bastardize it, like many things, to seam like it said that the germanic people are the master race and everyone else were Untermensch(subhumans).

    Its quite silly to claim to be christian and support eugenics as isn't the christian God supposed to be perfect, so why would he make something "subhuman"(sorry if my presumptions about the christian God are wrong...or dont fit with your particular branch of christianity!).


  16. #96
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    Actually, the swastika was used pointing in both directions before the Nazis. The Indians had it pointing one way and East Asians another. After the Nazis everyone tried to get rid of the swastikas that happened to be pointing the same way the Nazis had theirs.

  17. #97
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    Oh no! Now the pope is on the History Channel also. When will it end? Not until they elect a replacement I suppose. I wonder if it will be like the presidential debates with Bush and Kerry and Gore and the likes. Maybe they should have a POPE OFF or CELEBRITY POPE MATCH or the BATTLE OF THE POPES.
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  18. #98
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    What religion was Hitler?
    I thought he was Pagan.
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  19. #99
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    [quote]China verschm

  20. #100
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    He was Pagan. He was into occult and hung around some cats who were what they called The Tula Society. Of course he professed christianity and even had GOTT MIT UNS on belt buckles of German uniforms.
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