The Vatican (that's a group of old grey abstitent, unmarried men) decided in 1963 or something that artificial birth control was a sin.

The pope preached that condoms in marriage are a sin. Even in the vast areas of Africa where when two people get married, the chances are very high that one of them has HIV.
1. They are not having sex before marriage
2. They are not having extramarital sex
3. They are not using condoms

According to good old popey this is the way to happiness.
In reality it leads to a slow and painfull death from cancer, pneumonia, flu...

And if you look at catholic churches. You see families with 2 kids, when 40 years ago you saw families with 6 kids.
The church (in general, I'm not just talking about catholics), likes to pick and choose parts of the bible.
They hate gays because sodomy is abusing the body, which god created. Yes, because str8 people never do it up the wrong'un. What about oral sex. Every normal couple does that. And the mouth wasn't designed for having a penis shoved in it, or the tongue wasn't designed for playing with a clit.

Religion is crap
God doesn't exist, he was just a way for people to explain how things worked before science came along
Jesus was the product of Mary being raped by a Roman solider (I saw this on a documentary on TV), or he was Joseph's son. Mary was 14. Jesus was just a man.
Heaven doesn't exist
Hell doesn't exist
When you die, that's it.