@Ramil --- Thanks! Kokoshka and Graffiti seem really excellent!
I look forward to watching them - the Kokoschka storyline is particularly interesting and I can't wait to hear that Finnish actor (Ville something) speak Russian...
Thanks a lot for the tips!
@Studyr: I couldnt find subs for Блокпост either... Other than in Polish!So I'll save this film for later, when my Russian has improved. The plot sounds interesting and I definitely want to see this one.
@Coffecup --- haha; Arnold Schwarzenegger as Russian policeman.I never saw that film...
Here's one that I'm pretty sure has plenty of bad Russian in it: "Red Dawn" from mid 1980s. Plot: USSR and Cuba invade the USA, but some schoolkids fight back.. (This film was actually banned at first in Sweden and Finland due to being too extreme, politically. Which of course meant that all kids wanted to see it, and did.. ) Are there any old Russian cold war "paranoia" films like this?